The Steele Dossier Was “Plan B”


When the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz released his bombshell report last December, it explained in exhaustive detail how former FBI Director James Comey’s agency had perpetrated a massive fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. They did this in order to obtain a legal warrant to spy on the Trump presidential campaign, and then upon the incoming administration itself after President Trump and his appointees assumed their official offices. The mainstream media did it’s best to downplay what Horowitz found.

What Horowitz did with his explosive FISA Abuse Report, was establish the legitimate basis for what became US Attorney John Durham’s RussiaGate Hoax investigation.

Without Horowitz first releasing that report, we simply would not understand a lot of what Durham has been doing. Even though a lot of people do not accept this, it is nonetheless true:

The basis for Horowitz’s FISA investigation was established by…none other than the Mueller Special Counsel.

Yes. Really.

Mueller’s investigation established at its long-anticipated conclusion that there never was any sufficient evidence to charge Trump or any of his campaign people with election collusion or being Russian agents.

Mueller’s Team Killed the RussiaGate Hoax Stone Cold Dead

If there had been sufficient evidence to launch the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, and then to continue that spying operation on the Trump administration after it had assumed office, it is quite clear that Mueller and his merry band of bloodthirsty prosecutors would have found it.

They did not do so.

And precisely because of Mueller’s **extensive and  exhaustive** investigation turning up no actual evidence of Donald Trump or any of his associates being Russian agents or colluding with the Russian government during the 2016 election, this caused a very compelling question to be raised at the highest levels of the Department of  Justice:

“If there never was evidence that Trump and his people were Russian agents colluding with Putin during the election, then how did the RussiaGate Hoax happen, who launched it, and why was it sustained long enough for a fraudulent FISA surveillance warrant to not only be granted but renewed three times?”

This is exactly what Horowitz was sent in to find out. It is what his FISA Abuse report was all about.

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