In a Communist state, NO ONE OWNS ANYTHING ... the People have no rights to their person, houses, papers, possessions, or income... all such items are the property and effects of the  'COLLECTIVE'.  Money has no value other than what the State declares, and all rights and privileges, incomes, and access to the resources for life are the dictates of the STATE.  There is no deficit spending or lack of revenue...

There is only the ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES based on the primary Marxist principle: " From each according to their ability; too, each according to their need."   Any burden resulting from a shortage of production is distributed as the State Directs.... with millions of those classified as dissidents or enemies of the state left to starve... a part of the natural selection process and purge of non-compliant individuals from the collective.

Confiscation of personal property is not seen as confiscation... it is viewed as REDISTRIBUTION of Wealth or Production.  There is no inflation, deficits, or deflation... only, the lack of production and the need to redistribute the resources of the collective... eliminating the non-compliant whose dissident resistance is blamed for creating the shortfalls.  The State (collective) is supreme and makes no mistakes.

Look for the rapid assimilation of all private property and a guaranteed income... the reckless abandon of any remaining fiscal restraints on government, as the communists see no limits on spending only on the allocation and redistribution of the nation's wealth.  Reparations will be seen as a just form of wealth redistribution, as the rendering of economic and social justice by Communist dictate.  The Billionaires financing this socialist cabal and world reset will soon find themselves the targets of a massive wealth redistribution plan and purge... massive taxation, outright confiscation, and the end of the trust funds and transfer of wealth by the bourgeoisie to their future generations. 

In reality the wealthy are selling their own stock short... by investing in Globalism and what appears to be a fascist global policy, they will soon awake to find their treasure and businesses in the hands of the State and its Collective.  One doesn't dance with the Devil and expect to prosper.

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  • Whose Goose will soon be cooked for dinner by the federal government...  the wearily incredulous mind of the Billionaire has to be toggling between the worlds of fairy tale princesses and Kafka.  Once the middle class has no wealth to pillage where do these gnomes of ignorance think the Marxist will turn to fund their rape of our nation... Billionaires watch-out purges are a common source of finance for past Marxist States... What easier way to fund one's meter[rose than with other people's money.... and who has the money?  Not for long.

  • 1.9 Trillion of our nation's wealth is now being redirected for COVID ... a total of over 4 Trillion to this phony pandemic... where is the money actually going?   There is enough money here to provide everyone in America... man woman and child 11,000 US Dollars or 44,000 to a family of 4.  

  • I see that the Big Corporations are still trying to dance with the Devil ... unaware that the chairs on the dance room floor are disappearing at a rapid rate... the question is will they wise up before they lose their seat at the dance?

  • Communism was kind of like that during Stalin, but it improved over time; everyone received an education, many went to college based on merits, everyone had shelter and a job, and it was not led by people who belong in a straight jacket, socialism is led by such people, and it is diffferent from communism, I think it's far worse (redistribution of wealth occurs during any change in political ideology)... Britain is more like that maybe?

    Lock up England in jail or an insane asylum! | Investig’Action
    Here it goes again! The same old tired and predictable tune, the same recognizable chorus. Once again the world is told what to think and what to bel…
    • Exactly Oleg and the wealthy had better decide on which side of the equation they need to butter their bread... will it be with the traditional capitalist interests or the burgeoning socialist state... soon to discard any semblance to capitalism ... by embracing Communism and the elimination of private property and individual liberty?  Time will tell but it isn't looking good as the Billionaires continue to rape the collapsing economy ... seemingly unaware that they are enabling the rise of socialism and eventually communism and the total dissimulation of their empires... they are allowing their greed to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

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