
  • Let's be clear here from the start... The President does not have the constitutional authority to change our currency or to set its values...

    See: Article 1, Section 8., Clause 5....  ArtI.S8.C5.1 Coinage Power of CongressCoinage Power | Constitution Annotated | | Library of ... Article ISection 8Clause 5: [The Congress shall have Power... ] To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;...
    It would take a Constitutional Amendment to switch to digital forms of money... and the President doesn't have the Constitutional authority to change our currency at all.  in fact, our currency must be backed by gold or silver coin.  Paper currency must be CONVERTABLE TO GOLD OR SILVER US COIN... not bullion.
    It is past time that the GOP inform the President that he has no power to change our currency from silver and gold-backed coinage... paper certificates of Federal Reserve Notes are fiat currency and the US Treasury needs to stop dealing in them. 
    In fact, we need to know where all the Gold and silver bullion went and if it was transferred to the FED when, and why... Also, it must be returned with interest and the Fed dissolved. Return all the functions of the fed to Congress and the US Treasury... where they belong.
    Coinage Power | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress
    An annotation about Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the United States.

  • the federal reserve bank is a privately owned for-profit business, They have been engaged in destroying the American dollar for the past 109 years. The government gets to appoint one person to the board of governors, that's it, period. the federal reserve bank then dictates to the treasury how much money to print and send to the fed reserve bank free of charge which they then loan out to the government and banks at interest.
    From 1789 to 1913 the American dollar gained a small amount in value. Since 1913 our dollar has, through inflation deliberately manipulated by the federal reserve bank, been reduced in value to less than one cent of the 1913 dollar.

    The self-anointed global elite maintains their certainty that WE THE PEOPLE must not be allowed any power over our government or our lives. That WE THE PEOPLE refuse to cede power to the elite prevents them from finalizing their control over the rest of the world, therefore WE THE PEOPLE, and our silly republic must be destroyed.
    President Donald John Trump stands before us denying those self-anointed elites their desires therefore he must be destroyed before they can destroy WE THE PEOPLE and our republic.

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