The Worst People In Media 2020

Jake Tapper has no Ethics - Imgflip

This year was a disaster in just about every respect, but nothing compares to the overall disaster that is the media. Informing the public and seeking the truth took a backseat to agenda pushing and straight-up advocacy. While everyone in the media soiled themselves this year, to one degree or another, some people are just so awful they deserve special recognition.

Joy Reid. Liberals fail up. There’s really no other explanation as to why this conspiracy theorist who only takes a break from lying to would get a new show on MSNBC. The fraud who lied about her blog being hacked to cover up her history of homophobia had been relegated to an unwatched weekend slot, but now she’s back in the big leagues. Why? Why not? When you have no standards, when you set the bar so low it’s laying on the ground, anyone can clear it. How else could anyone explain elevating someone so blatantly stupid, not to mention racist? Maybe next year we’ll finally get an answer from the FBI about who posted all those homophobic and transphobic things on her old blog? Don’t hold your breath.


Jake Tapper. Tapper lives in his own little world where he’s the smartest man living in his head. Conservatives get excited every couple of months when he accidentally commits a tiny bit of journalism by asking a semi-tough question of a Democrat (which is rarely, if ever, followed up by pressing the issue) or delivers a monologue on a 90 percent issue. But at his core, and in his work, he’s every bit the liberal activist who made his name writing about a date he had with Monica Lewinsky at the height of the scandal that haunts her to this day. He parlayed that date into a job at the left-wing blog Salon, then a book about trying to “steal” the 2000 election. He wormed his way up to ABC News, then his own show on CNN. There he sits, playing his scripted role in spreading the Russia Hoax lie like a loyal puppy, all while claiming to be the last honest man in Washington, DC. Naturally, he’s “won” many awards from his fellow travelers for his “reporting.” Expect him to recede further into his liberal hole during the Biden administration, soft kisses for access and choir-preaching will likely win him even more plaques with his name on them.

Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo. These two people share half a brain that only works a quarter of the time. Their shows are interchangeable, with neither better than the other at reading DNC talking points. Their nightly “hand off” from one show to the other would embarrass kindergarten students, yet these highly paid adults droolingly beclown themselves nightly, unware of their own failings. These two are the yin and yang of stupid. Fredo gave us one of the videos of the year, when he asked where it said protests have to be peaceful and a dry ramen noodle munching kid pointed out to the law school graduate the words “the right of the people to peaceably assemble” in the First Amendment. You’d think people who do news for a living would follow the news.

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