Lil Wayne is the latest rapper to come out in support of Donald Trump.
In a tweet posted on Thursday evening, Wayne revealed that he recently met with Trump and was won over by his commitment to the “Platinum Plan” for Black America, as well as his past actions achieving criminal justice reform.
According to Bloomberg, the Trump Administration’s “Platinum Plan” commits to unlocking $500 billion in access to capital to Black communities in addition to creating three million new jobs. It also commits to providing better education, healthcare, and job opportunities to Black Americans — though there are no specifics on how the administration plans to keep those promises.
Fellow hip-hop legend Ice Cube recently met with Trump officials to discuss how his own Contract With Black America could be integrated into the “Platinum Plan,” but he stopped short of endorsing Trump for re-election. Meanwhile, 50 Cent briefly endorsed Trump because of his tax policy, only to later recant his support after his ex-girlfriend, Chelsea Handler, offered to give him “another spin” in exchange for a vote for Joe Biden. Trump did, however, pick up an endorsement from Lil Pump, who like 50 were worried about paying too much in taxes.
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The Democrats don't care if their lies are exposed... they believe that if one tells a lie long enough it becomes the Truth... therefore, they are the agents of lies and propaganda programs that support their phony narratives for social justice and order. Any contract with BLACK AMERICA would be a MAJOR BETRAYAL to the rest of America. Since when do we give preference to lawlessness and rioting insurrectionist... give them a contract and it won't be enough... it will never be enough.
Besides, Black America already has a Contract with America... it is called the US Constitution. That Contract was good enough for our forefathers and everyone else why do they need another contract... special interests serve only to DIVIDE AMERICA and social justice demands equal protection under the law, not special treatment or carve-outs that advantage one group over another. It is time for Black America to take a long look at their list of grievances under the light of the current day.
Official government sanction of Slavery ended over 100yrs ago, apartheid servitude effectively ended in 1964 with the Civil Rights Act. With all of the existing and past social justice movements ... reparations (civil war era) civil rights and economic assistance... equal opportunity has become PREFERED OPPORTUNITY not shared opportunity. It is time for the Black Community to put away the agents of division in their culture and embrace their neighbors as true equals... in point of fact they are advantaged not equals.... they are a protected class and their continued demand for more will only lead to civil war... it is coming..
that's right that's mean their father is the father of lies that's mean the Devil is their father and that's the reason why I said their only hope is for the Antichrist would come into power.
The Democrats don't care if their lies are exposed... they believe that if one tells a lie long enough it becomes the Truth... therefore, they are the agents of lies and propaganda programs that support their phony narratives for social justice and order. Any contract with BLACK AMERICA would be a MAJOR BETRAYAL to the rest of America. Since when do we give preference to lawlessness and rioting insurrectionist... give them a contract and it won't be enough... it will never be enough.
What is it with these self absorbed chumps? It is either ice _______ or Li'l ________ could they be more self absorbed? I doubt it!!!!!
that is good news
Never paid any attention to a "rappor" but maybe I just should start......Hate carrots and never people are really starting to wake up and relaize the Demorats have DONE nothing for them for over 50 years......
Douglas, correct, devildemocommiecrats have done nothing FOR blacks but have done plenty TO them. Any black that strays off the plantation is castigated by the black overseers, those still in chains willingly!!!!!
Trump is the most compassionate man I have seen in the White House. He feels us and we feel him. He represents us and we support him. I'm for Trump because he will give us more tax cuts that are badly needed to keep the economy as strong as Trump made it. He made America great again singlehandedly. Trump 2020!
The "racist" President Trump has actually done much more for blacks, and all Americans, in 3 1/2 years than fuhrer obama and Mr. dementia did in 8 years. Of course the devildemocommiecrat party's goal was and is to destroy the nation and put all of us under slavery. Blacks are seeing the lies from the truth and turning to Trump in droves.
It overwhelms me at the stupidity of how easily some peoples minds can be instantly changed when bribery happens. Once you endorse someone it's really tacky and in bad taste to unendorse them! Now I can see just how the Democrts have managed to hold onto the black vote so long. Just offer them the carrot on the stick and they will fall right in line.