The current inflation is the direct result of injecting over 4.5 Trillion in COVID stimulus and relief into our economy... The rapid expansion of the money supply has flooded the market with US Dollars, without adding anything of value to the marketplace... In addition, low-wage earners are now making over twice what they did less than a year ago... which drives up retail and other commodities and services where they are employed...  Then, there are the hundreds of billions being given away to millions of illegal aliens that no one is discussing.  There are no free lunches.

Hyperinflation is on the way and It isn't a supply chain problem...   truckers won't be needed to bring inflation to your door... Hyperinflation is the Marxist Democrat's stealth weapon, their wealth redistribution virus, piggybacking on COVID, it will empty the pocketbooks and bank accounts of the average American.  The supply chain has some impact on inflation but that impact is nowhere near the impact dumping 4 Trillion in COVID Stimulus has on the economy... 22,000 dollars per individual.  The Blue States are sucking up more COVID dollars than the Red States.  They are being rewarded for reckless spending and the mandates that created a stagnant COVID economy... an economy that has been badly damaged by shutdowns and marketplace uncertainty. 

Want to know why the price of used cars is up... its because the homeless and illegal aliens have pockets full of COVID Stimulus money to buy better or newer transportation... don' look for the value of used cars to remain high once every illegal alien is driving a 2-3 yr old Lexus... on the American Tax Payers dime... And no, the COVID stimulus is not FREE MONEY.  Your mama didn't find all that cash in her cookie jar and it isn't the egg money the farmers' wife squirreled away.  It's your retirement accounts, savings, and other dollar vested assets, including your wages, that are funding the stimulus thru inflation... There is no free lunch, maybe no lunch at all with Biden at the wheel of our economy.

For More Information on COVID relief funding and its impact see:

How Much Coronavirus Funding Has Gone to Your State? (

Covid relief money: US has used most, but billions haven't been spent (

Fourth stimulus check latest: What's behind the push for recurring payments? - CBS News

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  • Had lunch lately... did you need to look twice at the menu... take out a loan from the local bank to pay for it?  Get used to it, as the once-popular song... 'you have seen nothing yet' takes on reality as the Left empties your bank account and destroys the value of the dollars that are used to fund your wages.  In the meantime, Congress gave itself a double-digit pay raise (21%) in the annual federal budget.

    One can read all about the pat on the back Congress gave itself... raising salary and their office budgets.  And, they did it all while eating their lunch on the taxpayer's subsidized Congressional Dining Rooms... See: Congress Gives Itself Double-Digit Raise (

    At least someone is eating well in America ... even if it is paid for by others.  After all, it's the way of  Marxism:  "From each according to their ability too, each according to their need" and we know just how needy members of Congress have become.

    Congress Gives Itself Double-Digit Raise
    Amid economic turmoil for the American people, their representatives in Washington gave their offices a double-digit raise this month even as the ave…
  • Buy metals imho.

  • Tick tock, tick tock ... hyper-inflation counts the days, nay the hours before it brings down our economy and sends society into a panic.  Will the FED feed upon it foreclosing on America or will it simply declare bankruptcy and leave us all swinging n a sea of worthless Federal Reserve Notes?

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