
Now that the impeachment trial is over, that’s the last excuse for having the National Guard still in Washington, D.C., right? So now they can all go home, one would think.

Not so fast with that logical thinking there.

Now there’s more talk and you’re not going to believe it, that they might stay until the fall. Wait, what?

Major Matt Murphy said the current plan is to have the 6,000 who are presently on hand stay until March. But apparently they are in talks about being there longer.

According to the DCist, Robert Salesses, assistant Secretary for Homeland Defense wrote in an email about an “extended timeline” to the Capitol Police and National Security Council.

“If it’s not possible to sustain at the current level with [National Guard] personnel, we need to establish the number of NG personnel (DCNG and out-of-state) we can sustain for an extended period — at least through Fall 2021,” Salesses wrote in a January 20 email obtained by FOX 5.

He added that officials should consider “additional options for providing [Department of Defense] support, to include use of reserve personnel, as well as active component.”

They really are turning us into a banana republic in every way you can imagine. Notice that says “at least to the fall.” Then in the fall, it will just turn into a permanent fixture or another reason to keep them there. Welcome the permanent security state, complete with barbwire fencing to keep us from the halls of government. Will they be there until the next election when Joe Biden loses? What then?

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  • I think we should keep them there until Trump receives his legal presidency which the people voted for. The articles I just read say that he did win the election. 

  • Hard to listen to all the naivete expressed in the comments here. Antifa and BLM and commies, in general want the US of A gone, and we should drop our guard??? Are you guys serious? That's insane.

    The National Guard should remain in DC as long as the commie threat is there!!

    • The NWO wants the Union tossed. The players you mention are either useful idiots, or puppets.

      That town will not be hassled unless it serves purpose.

      Right now, the biggest thorne in the side of globalism has been outsed from his overwhelming win.

      A reassertion and regroup at the state and local level nationwide is forming. S. Dakota just put Biden on notice,

      any federal unconstitutional acts will be blown off by it. Florida has also reasserted itself. California Newsome will be recalled.

      Cuomo to be convicted. Deblasio soon? Wolf or Whitmer is likely next. We can't do this civil liberties rape/National economic suicide thing anymore!

    • "The players you mention are either useful idiots, or puppets." We agree.

      "Will they be there until the next election when Joe Biden loses? What then?" "This all needs to be justified and right away."

      People here want justification? How about we are at war! Who with? Antifa, BLM, Commies. And maybe the CCP. They all want Communism to bring down USA's Capitalism ... everything else is just noise meant to confuse.

    • The pawns do look and seem threatening. 

      Our serious threat are the planners that seek

      Civil War to fracture the USA, using them and fear.

      That Dr. Strangelove scene where the U.S. President phones Russia about an imminent air strike ...

  • "Will they be there until the next election when Joe Biden loses? What then?"

    What makes anyone think the dims will ever lose another election???

    • Because if a majority of over 331,000,000 people simply refuse to cooperate with the Great Reset agenda, there is no way the NWO can force it to. All they can do unilaterally, is commit mass genocide with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. And if willing to do so, cooperating out of hope to escape disaster is likely pointless.

      By insisting on honest elections, and eliminating usinhg the means to cheat, an honest election is possible.

      But if you feel it is impossible, then it is your choice to riot or not.

    • Are you quitting???

  • They sure aren't acting like they didn't steal the election!!!!!.......................BECAUSE THEY DID!!!

  •      Riots were planed ... Pelosi knew, FBI knew, Chief of Police knew. They think more riots are coming, so now its ok to keep the guard there in GC.

    McCarthy places blame on Pelosi, Schumer for mistreatment of National Guard
    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Gov. Greg Abbott express their disgust with the treatment of the National Guard on 'Hannity'. #FoxNews #Hann…
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