Liberal mental disorder

It shouldn’t shock us, but here we are again, folks. We can think Democrats can't be this dense, but they always find ways to amaze, don’t they? If you could guess what the top three issues Democratic voters are most concerned with what would you pick? Climate change? The economy? Taxes? Nope. It’s Trump supporters, white supremacy, and systemic racism. I’m not kidding. We’re facing job losses and a stagnant economy that will remain stuck in the mud if this minimum wage hike passes in the COVID relief bill. And Democrats’ top concerns are issues that won’t help a single person in America. It’s selfish. It’s detached. It shows that these people really don’t have a care in the world. It must be nice. Only the financially secure and the privileged can say they’re really, really worried about people with differing political views. 

It’s indicative of the Democrats’ changing party base. It’s richer, more educated, coastal, and urban-based. The professional elites have taken over and it shows. Their problems…aren’t really problems. They’re not. White liberal problems and their solutions won’t help America. It’s only meant to stroke their self-centered and shallow interests. This is also a problem for the communities of color who have backed Democrats for decades. Rich white liberals give at disproportionate levels to the party. They’re the ones who fill the coffers. It’ll be their phone calls that are returned. The black community will once again be expected to sit down, shut up, and vote Democratic. You think that’s going to sit well with these voters, having rich whites hijack their agenda, their demands? I think this could get messy. Meanwhile, over the past eight years, the GOP has made gains in voter blocs that represent 71 percent of the vote.

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  • I am not surprised and shock either this is Obama's 3 term in office the Democrats know how to play God.

  • Delusional =

    The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness: Rossiter, Jr. M.D., Lyle H., Spear…
    The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness [Rossiter, Jr. M.D., Lyle H., Spear, Bob, Foster, George] on *FREE* shipp…
  • Any survey numbers run by the Universities, Media, or liberal think tanks must be discounted as FAKE... the tools of Marxist Propagandist.   The Democrats and their allies are incapable of conducting unbiased research or publishing data that has not been twisted to support their preconceived goals... remember the liberal finds nothing wrong with using ANY MEANS to achieve their ends.

  • If you think about the democratic statement of WHITE SUPREMACY  and look at the voters for Trump you would have to say that they are either color blind or have their face mask covering their eyes! There were more blacks and Latinos voting for Trump than for Biden. It seems like they have been smoking too much pot or the covid has got the brain blocked. They had to steal the election because their base voters left and ran to Trump. I keep praying they will receive Jesus for He is the only one who can break the sin bearers. One look at the world and you know we are headed for the last days on a runaway train.

    Keep looking up for our redemption is drawing near! 

  • Admin Dee is correct. "Liberalism really is a mental disorder and Trump Derrangement Syndrome is real." Since these demonrats suffer from a mental disorder, they need to be put into an asylum or re-education camp to rid them of this mental disorder. Why was this not done under Trump? If Trump's people had taken care of this problem, we wouldn't be where we are today, since most of these despicable demonrats would be locked away in a facility. Trump would have won with the 80% support that he has among we the people.

    • The logic above is exactly what the Democrats are cooking up for patriots... they are labeling the TEA Party and other patriot groups as deranged, anti-social, and mentally disturbed to detain and hold patriots as mental patients ... for reeducation/indoctrination or elimination... in the ovens of Marxism.

    • No, you got this wrong Ronald. Admin Dee was rightly saying that "liberalism really is a mental disorder", which means that these losers need to go to an asylum or to a re-education camp. Are you trying to say that Admin Dee is not right? Are you trying to say that liberalism is normal? She definitely wasn't talking about the demonrats cooking this up for patriots.

  • If the WOKE NATION is not happy in America, then pack your duffel bag, get a passport with your stimulus check and fly to Ghana and join Stevie Wonder and return to your roots in AFRICA.

  • Really - I really think that the Democrat party and its supporters are the racists!  Whitge supremacy - let's see that is less than 2% of the population; not much of a concern as far as I can see.  Trump supporters - just one minute - as far as I can see those are the most Patriotic, caring people in the USA.  They want to safe the country not destroy it. Their concerns are not mine.

    My concern is trying to save our country from the Desmcrats!

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