Tim Scott is my hero point and simple we will never fix the problem of racism in this country or the world unles we do one thing and that is "LOVE ONE ANOTHER" PERIOD.
yes, he has shown his true colors in the last few days. I used to admire him but he either caved or had me fooled in the beginning. Either way he is off my list of dependable patriotic legislators and nothing but a deep state pawn!!!!!!!!!!
SENATOR Tim Scott is a very good man he stands for all of us . May God bless him !
We know who the real RACISTS are. They are called DEMS
Tim Scott is my hero point and simple we will never fix the problem of racism in this country or the world unles we do one thing and that is "LOVE ONE ANOTHER" PERIOD.
The only unification that the democrats want is with themselves.
We need more Tim Scott's in our party and not the Rinos that only care about themselves
Exactly! have notice the color of his skin that's thereason why the Democrat hate him for it the Democrats and some Republicans are in the same boat.
libtards are racists that hate any black person who leaves their slave plantation!!!!!!!!!!
Tim Scott is my hero tonight he did a suburb job he is the only person I watch over a demonic president.
yes, he has shown his true colors in the last few days. I used to admire him but he either caved or had me fooled in the beginning. Either way he is off my list of dependable patriotic legislators and nothing but a deep state pawn!!!!!!!!!!