
  • Excuse me... the Democrats had NOTHING TO RUN ON IN 2020... Yet, they elected a geriatric, with onset dementia and a problem with staying awake and upright...   They don't need to run on anything to win. 

    One doesn't need party planks, programs, or policies when they control the vote tabulation (totals)... Have we already forgotten that rigged elections don't need voters... it's easier to raise the dead, sanction mystery voters,  encourage guest voting, and to vote early by mail, then again in person, and as often as necessary to win.  Besides, if the Democrat candidate had something to run on, they would forget what it was, and wander off stage,  looking for an Ice Cream vendor.

    Democrats don't need anything to run on... they have boxes full of ballots, count the vote, and announce the winners.... Guess who wins?  How can they lose?

    • Correct Sir, you can tell by their inactions that they are confident in their CHEAT.

  • Demonrats, rinos, and the GOP leadership know that President Trump is a man of the people and for the people. That's why they all fear him and fight him with everything they got. I can't wait for Trump to win a third time and to move into the White House a second time.

  • The demoncrats are pure evil

  • there will be some spouse of a democrat who is pregnant and decides to name the baby trump for that's all they could think of

  • In NYC, there were lots of people saying that it was great to see Trump get indicted for something. Idiots!!



























    In NYC, there were lots of people interviewed that said that it was great to see Trump get indicted on something. They hate him so much. How can they be so blind?





  • Sure they do give Gavin Newsome a listen. Recipe  for Disaster if I ever heard one. Only people left in California are  extremely Rich or too broke to leave. Like I say Disaster.  If he were to make office  even 1 term where do we run to?? Too broke to run. 

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