
UPDATE: (11/29/20 11:47 PM): Federal Judge Timothy Batten, Sr. has issued a third order in the suit Sidney Powell filed in Georgia. After seemingly reversing his second order, Judge Batten wrote: “Defendants are hereby ENJOINED and RESTRAINED fromaltering, destroying, or erasing, or allowing the alteration, destruction, or erasure of, any software or data on any Dominion voting machine in Cobb, Gwinnett, and Cherokee Counties.”

This is the third order issued in the case, Pearson v. Kemp, today. Read the order here:

UPDATE (11/29/20 6:15 PM ET): Judge Timothy Batten, Sr. has issued a second order, seemingly reversing his first order from earlier this afternoon. Batten wrote: “”Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ control….to the extent Plaintiffs seek emergency relief to impound and preserve the voting machines, that request is denied.”

read more here:

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  • Of course, county election officials are not "within Defendants' control'.. they are state employees.  I would be shocked to find that Georgia's current election laws and regulations don't require all voting machines and records to remain unaltered and secured from tampering for at least several months after ANY election... that the State's records and data archival laws require that all election documents be stored, unaltered and secure for at least a year after an election... So why is the order necessary?

    If there is probable cause that federal or state laws were violated and the voting machines were used in a felony... local and federal law enforcement should be able to impound and secure the machines and documents.

    • Hello Col. Ron ... re your first paragraph: don't know if locals were wise enough to secure the various datas that you mention (certainly should have done so!). Beyond the locals' "should", the Fed AG/DOJ should mandate that all election data related to Federal office/s be secured for X time and that mandate should be so structured that violation is explicitly noted to constitute a felony and penalties should be explicitly defined ... don't know if that's in place.

      I understand the intent in your second paragraph. "should be able to impound ..." isn't strong enough ... no "should be able" ... no conditional ... "must" impound.

      So my paragraphs explicitly mandates certain Fed actions.

      Btw, are you a retired JAG officer? I am a long time system engineer in Silicon Valley and I have legal backgrounds.

    • No, I am not a Jag Officer or an attorney... all of my comments are opinions based on a wide range of formal and informal education and personal experience.  I have served as a prosecutor and defense counsel in Courts Martials... when in Viet Nam... we didn't have JAG Officers hanging from the chandeliers then... funny how they showed up years latter and it is even more discerning to see them acting more and more as political commissars did in the Soviet Army.

    • Your various experiences and talents are pure gold. Do you write Trump ENOUGH times??????  In his face?

      Have you ever sent him a printed letter, pages long, telling him what he should do to re-establish right / wrong, justice / judgement?

      It might be a good time to think about doing that.  Just my thought.

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