CNN's Brian Stelter Claims Right-Wing Media Behind Push For Biden Not To  Debate Trump | Simply America

CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter has come under fire from both the left and right for directing a series of softball questions at White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Sunday, prompting conservative journalist Glenn Greenwald to slam the on-air exchange as 'one of the most sycophantic interviews of a state official you'll ever see.'

Stelter opened the interview on Sunday by asking Psaki: 'what does the press get wrong when covering Biden's agenda?'

Psaki replied: 'some of our muscles have atrophied a little bit over the last few years, and there isn’t a lot of memory — recent memory or longer memory — on how long it takes to get legislation forward or how messy the process of negotiating and the process of getting legislation across the finish line can be.

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