This Black Life Didn't Matter to the Looting Thugs

Warning! This Video Is Very Disturbing.

This is who they murdered:

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  • CBS News claims 'white Americans' are racists, have 'contempt for black life'

    Does CBS call what has been on display in our cities “Black Life”?

    If that is the case, then what I have goes way… beyond contempt.

    The words disgust, revulsion, loathing, etc… come to mind.

    • if that is the case all people are racists it's not about what color of skin we have it's all in the heart.


  • The 1st Amendment does not protect riot, arson, looting, or terrorist acts... The First Amendment guarantees the right of PEACEABLE ASSEMBLY and to Petition the government for the redress of grievances; neither of which is taking place in the current racist riots.  Terrorism fronting as a constitutional right is being used to permit criminal conduct to operate under the COLOR OF LAW.  Riot and acts of terrorism are not Constitutionally protected assembly.

    Mr. Floyd was in the process of violating the law when this unfortunate incident occurred... the official autopsy revealed he had intoxicating levels of Fentynal and Meth in his blood, he had serious heart problems and he resisted arrest. The stress on his heart was critical and the coroner ruled his death was by heart failure, aggravated by the use of Police restraint.  Mr. Floyd would be alive today had he not violated the law, was not on drugs, and had PEACEFULLY accompanied the arresting officers. Mr. Floyd is the victim of a series of personal bad decisions; culminating in his arrest and what appears to be excessive police force being used to make the arrest.

    Any criminal restraint and conduct by the police is being dealt with through appropriate criminal proceedings... that process is the appropriate action expected in a democracy that provides the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a trial... not guilt by video or the MSM.

    • Exactly! that is the reason why all of the people that break the law should be in jail that include the protesters, the hate group like Antifa, the white supermisis, black lives matter, we are missing the mark.


  • One look at the violence and looting that is happening in our cities will tell you exactly WHY racism exists and will only get worse.

    It begins to look like the 2nd amendment was added to the constitution to protect us from the 1st.


    • it is going to get worse because we don't follow the constitution and I blame that on Obama and his administration.


    • Very astute. To protect the first and to protect us from the 1st. I never thought of it that way before. 

  • How much longer before the citizens of America step in and start taking care of what the police and governors cannot.

    • that is a good question to ask the government

  • Antifa, black lives matter is nothing but a hate group and I blame all of this on Obama and his administration.

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