Very well thought out and very well said. Thank you for your service. As one who served to another “we stand together, and we fall together”!! I served my country in Vietnam, I served on my local Police Department for 7 years, and 30 years on the Fire Department for a total of 40+ years as a servant! My Son gave 7 years to the Police Department and now my Grandson is an active Police Officer. Why do any of us serve anymore? Why does anyone wish to? I was spat at and called a baby killer on my first leave home. Most do not care about we who serve, or care about their country and fellow man. We are surrounded by Communist’s and most people do not realize this fact! God bless you my fellow servant, your family, and your new walk-through life!! God is and always will be in charge!! Amen!
God Bless You, Sir. Thank you for your service. This is not a time to be a law enforcement officer in a blue state/city. Sorry to see people have to fend for themselves, that's sad. Especially in a gun grabbing city/stae.
how long until a mayor of a big city who has become anti cop in their views has to deal with a situation in a press conference addressing sky rocketing crime and no police
Do not blame him. Has to be a tough job right now. Sure most of them joined so they could make a difference. Cump is so stupid he proably does not even realize that his terrorists buddies will not differenciate between his kids and other White kids.
let me be clear on this issue I have never experienced a bad cop in my entire life living in America since I was 12 years old, and I am a black man come from Haiti I had an experience with the police department in Wisconsin not too long ago I was in the expressway when a car hit me and the car never stopped I pull over and call the police they arrived and told me I need to get off the next exit because I was on the shoulder so I did and one of the cops came to where I was and told me do I have insurance? I told him I did and he told me to call my insurance to see if they need a police report because they say that I didn't need a police report for this incident because since it was a hit and run situation and the cops perceive to ask me do I know how to change a tire I told him did than that's when I perceive to call my insurance and I went to the trunk of the car to get the tools to change my tire I was on the phone with the insurance they told me where do I want to take the car to get repaired while I was on the phone with the insurance the cop was changing my tire for me I was shocked they did that for me and told me to drive safe because I got a donut tire replacing the tire that I had. I will always stand with the police department as long as I live because if it wasn't for them who knows where would I be today.
That is a profound essay. I have wondered on many occasions why anyone would want to be a cop since Obama started the war on police. I believe the vast majority of law enforcement officers are honest, brave, caring, patriotic people. Unfortunately, with the breakdown of society led by radical liberals, the demand for honest, brave, caring, patriotic people is dwindling. The radical liberal leaders of our major cities and some states pander to the criminal element in our society to the detriment of law enforcement personnel. I fear we are seeing the beginning of the end of a society ruled by law. Antifa and BLM are organizations sanctioned by and supported by radical leftist leaders. I do fear those in law enforcement who are willing to follow the orders of radical liberal leaders. Why would any cop who has taken the oath of service be willing to enforce a red flag law, or order a church service to disband, or order a restaurant full of diners to be emptied? Cops who are willing to follow unconstitutional orders do not exist to serve and protect the people.
You remembered, barry soetoro started the war on police with his beer summit with the police officer. Now he whispers orders in obiden's ear. Community activists just can't quit organizing/instigating! He still thinks he is important. Will be interesting to see just what he is involved in.
Very well thought out and very well said. Thank you for your service. As one who served to another “we stand together, and we fall together”!! I served my country in Vietnam, I served on my local Police Department for 7 years, and 30 years on the Fire Department for a total of 40+ years as a servant! My Son gave 7 years to the Police Department and now my Grandson is an active Police Officer. Why do any of us serve anymore? Why does anyone wish to? I was spat at and called a baby killer on my first leave home. Most do not care about we who serve, or care about their country and fellow man. We are surrounded by Communist’s and most people do not realize this fact! God bless you my fellow servant, your family, and your new walk-through life!! God is and always will be in charge!! Amen!
God Bless You, Sir. Thank you for your service. This is not a time to be a law enforcement officer in a blue state/city. Sorry to see people have to fend for themselves, that's sad. Especially in a gun grabbing city/stae.
They are cooking up a new scheme or they wouldn't be calling for police defunding... have you figured it out yet?
how long until a mayor of a big city who has become anti cop in their views has to deal with a situation in a press conference addressing sky rocketing crime and no police
Do not blame him. Has to be a tough job right now. Sure most of them joined so they could make a difference. Cump is so stupid he proably does not even realize that his terrorists buddies will not differenciate between his kids and other White kids.
let me be clear on this issue I have never experienced a bad cop in my entire life living in America since I was 12 years old, and I am a black man come from Haiti I had an experience with the police department in Wisconsin not too long ago I was in the expressway when a car hit me and the car never stopped I pull over and call the police they arrived and told me I need to get off the next exit because I was on the shoulder so I did and one of the cops came to where I was and told me do I have insurance? I told him I did and he told me to call my insurance to see if they need a police report because they say that I didn't need a police report for this incident because since it was a hit and run situation and the cops perceive to ask me do I know how to change a tire I told him did than that's when I perceive to call my insurance and I went to the trunk of the car to get the tools to change my tire I was on the phone with the insurance they told me where do I want to take the car to get repaired while I was on the phone with the insurance the cop was changing my tire for me I was shocked they did that for me and told me to drive safe because I got a donut tire replacing the tire that I had. I will always stand with the police department as long as I live because if it wasn't for them who knows where would I be today.
So sad to see this happening and I understand the cause but not the why. How far left is the Democrat leadership's stupidity going to push their idiot agendas? From this morning's news, CNN’s Chris Cuomo made the outlandish thoughtless statement: "White People’s Kids’ Need To ‘Start Getting Killed’ For Police Reform To Happen". Does he think before opening his mouth? He is white. He has children. Is this what he wants for his kids? GOD HELP US ! Is it true that the Democrat leadership has morphed to become Communists? bw
That is a profound essay. I have wondered on many occasions why anyone would want to be a cop since Obama started the war on police. I believe the vast majority of law enforcement officers are honest, brave, caring, patriotic people. Unfortunately, with the breakdown of society led by radical liberals, the demand for honest, brave, caring, patriotic people is dwindling. The radical liberal leaders of our major cities and some states pander to the criminal element in our society to the detriment of law enforcement personnel. I fear we are seeing the beginning of the end of a society ruled by law. Antifa and BLM are organizations sanctioned by and supported by radical leftist leaders. I do fear those in law enforcement who are willing to follow the orders of radical liberal leaders. Why would any cop who has taken the oath of service be willing to enforce a red flag law, or order a church service to disband, or order a restaurant full of diners to be emptied? Cops who are willing to follow unconstitutional orders do not exist to serve and protect the people.
You remembered, barry soetoro started the war on police with his beer summit with the police officer. Now he whispers orders in obiden's ear. Community activists just can't quit organizing/instigating! He still thinks he is important. Will be interesting to see just what he is involved in.
Same as the others. Flesh and blood. Children's.