Those who know the Constitution find the ACTIVISM of the SCOTUS to be a serious threat to the Constitution... in fact, the SCOTUS now defines the Constitution as they see fit.  At one time it was the People, their juries, and Congress who determined what the Constitution meant... However, with the advent of 'Stare Decisis' and Maybury v. Madison the Courts usurped the Congres's and People's power to define their Government thru the issuing of law and the interpretation of the Constitution.

What needs to happen now is for Congress to reauthorize the Courts... putting all sitting judges out of work by REDISTRICTING the Courts, leaving the sitting judges without a BENCH TO SIT ON... Congress also needs to redefine and affirm the Federal Courts Jurisdiction: its orders and judgments must APPLY AND EXTEND ONLY TO THE CASE IN LAW BEFORE THE COURT... The Court's judgments must not extend universally, to cover all similar claims or cases in law... The Court must not make law thru precedent, period.  If the courts find a law (all or portions) unconstitutional that judgment and determination extend only to the case in law before it.

Congress is the body in government that must act to bring the law into compliance with the Constitution... when they so deem the law unconstitutional...  Congress only may strike down the law. The Courts have no such powers to do so... they advise on the law and Congress then Acts to agree or not to agree... too, remove the law or to amend it as they so desire...not the Courts. This Court also has no power to order or restrain the Executive Branch from its policies... except as directly applies to the case in law before it.  Relife from unconstitutional law must be reviewed and granted one case at a time... .each standing on its own merit... and the law being subject only to Congress, remains as written until Congress acts.

Rule by Judicial Fiat and Stare Decisis must end... unelected judges must have their jurisdiction restrained to the case in law before their court.  The Judgement of the Court and its orders must extend only to the case before it.  Courts that seek to make law or to influence the UNIVERSAL POLICY of government thru judicial review are engaging in rule by Judicial fiat or edict.  The People don't consent to be governed by unelected Judges.  In point of fact, the Jury System was intended to be the final arbiter of the law with the Judge being present to administer the law by assisting the jury to arrive at a just verdict or judgment.  Judicial activism is destroying the fundamentals of elected representative government.

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  • We must insist that the Federal Courts decrees and decisions attach only to the case in law BEFORE THEM... they must not become the law of the land.   The Congress is the only Constitutional body authorized to make law.  Decisions by the Federal Courts regarding constitutional issues in law need to be taken under advisement... issues regarding the administraiton of the law ... may be rejected by the coequal branches if it in the judgment of the President or Congress has no useful purpose or is cumbersome and inefficient.  The Courts may not order either co-equal branch to do anything... they may advise as they have no Constitutional power to ENFORCE any of their decision... enforcement is a Constitutional power given primarily to the Executive with Congress having oversight powers regarding their legislative intent and funding authority.

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