Can we put an end to corruption? - Corruption Watch

Three Republican state senators in Georgia have been demoted and stripped of their chairmanships after they were pushing for election integrity and criticizing the Republican secretary of state’s handling of the 2020 election.

“It doesn’t take long to connect the dots. There were a few of us fighting for election integrity. And it just so happens that the ones who were doing that no longer have their chairmanships,” said state Sen. Burt Jones.

Last week, Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) changed committee assignments for Republican state Sens. Brandon Beach, Matt Bass, and Jones. Beach will no longer chair the senate panel on transportation, while Jones lost his chairmanship of the Insurance and Labor Committee. Both were removed from the respective committees altogether.

Brass, meanwhile, remains a chairman, but was downgraded from his previous post as the head of the committee that will oversee the redrawing of Georgia’s counties this year.

“I won’t put myself in the penalty box and be silenced by what I think is right and what I think the people who voted me [in] here would want me to do,” Jones said, adding that he “can’t let petty politics get in the way of wanting to see a glaring problem with our elections remedied.”

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  • It's a shame they couldn't do this prior to the November 3 election.  Georgia, home of the RINO right and home to all of the needle dicked bug f-ckers.

    • That's the point. It's just for optics. The continual good cop bad cop bull shit they shove at us is an illusion.  One party aims to shred the Constituion(Democrats) and the other claims to defend it (Republicans) and looks the other away while their partners in crime do the dirty deed. Hence,the term Uniparty. I prefer to call our criminal gov a Kleptocratic Kakistocracy. Therin lies the truth.


    • There's a tag team of GOP members of congress to kill conservative legislation should it arise, Obamacare for one example.  However, by continually putting people like Boehner, Ryan or McConnell in the congressional leadership positions when we have a majority, they also refuse to bring such legislation up for voting.  They've got us two ways there.  In the states, it's the state committees who squash conservatives as they attempt to rise, and put forward malleable or financially strong candidates who can be counted on to squash conservative action once in Washington.  Ditto state legislatures in most states.  It's the party structure which allows them to defeat us.  We need to form a second party, with an entirely different way of putting candidates forward and an entirely different way of running them once installed in congress.  Second pary?  Yes, second party.  There's only one party now.

    • correct, there is one party, the new world order globalist party.  It has a donkey wing and an elephant wing!!!!!!!!!!


  • the deep state gop TRAITORS punish any with honesty and integrity.  Time to abolish the gop, period!!!!!

  • Time to rremoved all this GOP who are just as the socialist party starting with the 2022 elections.



    • even if there is an election the only ones who will "win" are the devildemocommiecrats and/or their deep state gop TRAITOR allies.  Conservatives will be cheated out in the primaries!!!!!

    • exactly! my point.

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