Three retired US generals warned Friday that America's divided military could fuel a new civil war if there's another coup attempt after the 2024 election because 'more than 1 in 10 of those charged in January 6 attacks had a service record'. 

Former Army Major Gen Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen Steven Anderson and former Army Major Gen Antonio Taguba made the worrisome claim in a column for The Washington Post.

'As we approach the first anniversary of the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol, we - all of us former senior military officials - are increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk,' the generals penned.

'We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time,' they added. 

In such a polarized political atmosphere, 'with loyalties split,' the generals observed that 'some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser'.

'In this context, with our military hobbled and divided, US security would be crippled. Any one of our enemies could take advantage by launching an all-out assault on our assets or our allies,' the column read.

They emphasized: 'The military and lawmakers have been gifted hindsight to prevent another insurrection from happening in 2024 - but they will succeed only if they take decisive action now'. 

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  • Take the house & senate back; Finish the wall; no $ or help of any kind or health care for illegal persons; English language only; teach US history and Constitution in schools; audit the Fed Reserve; no visas of any kind except merit visas, revert to back our $ with gold, cancel the security clearances for all Obama, Biden hold overs and RINO's & get rid of them; voting with photo ID only, NO MAIL-IN voting, NO SAME DAY VOTING REGISTRATION AND VOTING; no doing any business with China; do not use dominion HAMMER computer and scorecard software in future voting; seize all bank accounts belonging or affiliated with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations; stop the resettlement of illegals around the USA; Do not get the VAX; Stop promoting CRT; This is my opinion.

  • Would that be considered a civil war if it happens within the military?

    I do believe the military is split, but what makes them assume it wouldn't be the Trumpien winner giving the orders, and the loser commies refusing?

    this is actually a possibility, our physical war, if it ever comes to that against the corrupt government,  might begin inside the military!

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