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~ Featuring ~ 
The Senate Must Be Saved
Douglas Andrews   
'Empty chairs': Senate GOP accuses 
Democrats of abandoning confirmation hearing
by Susan Ferrechio
{ } ~ Sen. Ted Cruz accused Democrats of abandoning the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett after failing to land any significant damage to her chances after more than a day of questioning...“They don’t have any substantive criticism,” said Cruz, a Texas Republican. “This side of the aisle does not have arguments against Judge Barrett that have any chance of prevailing.” On Wednesday, Barrett answered questions before the Senate Judiciary Committee for a second day, responding to Democrats who want to know how she would rule on matters related to healthcare, gun ownership rights, voting access, abortion, and gay and transgender issues. By late morning, Cruz noted, two Democrats remained in the room to hear from Barrett. “If you look at the dais, there is chair after chair that is empty,” Cruz said. “The Democratic senators are no longer even attending, though I’m assuming they’ll show up for their time. But it is indicative of what they’re tacitly admitting, which is they don’t have substantive criticism.” Sen. scumbag-Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, interrupted Cruz and said Democrats were missing from the room due to the coronavirus pandemic. “Members are in their offices following this on television,” scumbag-Durbin said. “To suggest their absence here means they are not following or participating is incorrect.” Cruz pointed out that most of the lawmakers were present on Tuesday, when the first round of questioning took place. “I would note that the senator from Illinois omitted the fact that all but two of the Democrats were physically here yesterday after their questioning,” Cruz said. “They made the decision not to be here. You are welcome to make that decision, but it is indicative, when it comes to the kind of questioning, this side of the aisle does not have the arguments against Judge Barrett that have any chance of prevailing.” Barrett has impressed lawmakers on both sides of the aisle with her knowledge of a vast array of cases and has stuck to avoiding any details of how she might rule on cases that could come before the Supreme Court. Democrats on Tuesday and Wednesday pressured Barrett on voting rights issues, healthcare, and other matters, citing the Constitution but not her political philosophy.
BLM’s Anti-Police Chaos Adds Fuel To Anarchist Terror Threat
by Paul Crespo
{ } ~ Though ideologically sympathetic left-wing supporters of the BLM movement insist that ‘right-wing’ extremists are the only domestic threat in the U.S., increasing evidence points to the role of Leftist anti-police rhetoric and inciting and providing moral cover for anti-government anarchist groups of all stripes. I highlighted this clear overlap in my piece on the recent Department of Homeland Security (DHA) threat assessment report. While the DHS report focused attention on White Supremacist Extremists (WSE) as the “most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland,” that report, using data from 2018 and 2019, in today’s hyper fast-changing environment, may already be dated. White Supremacists remain an extremely serious danger, but ideologically amorphous, anti-government, anti-police anarchist groups may now be as serious, or even superseding the WSE threat. Meanwhile, nationwide BLM protests and violent riots vilifying the police and calling to defund law enforcement only add fuel to the fire that the anarchist terrorists are trying to ignite. Especially as one political party seems to not only ignore but encourage and enable this dangerous rhetoric and chaos. The most recent example of this extremist ideological fusion – the plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. As USA Today reports, “Michigan law enforcement is on high alert after the FBI revealed that a suspected plot by extremist groups to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also involved a ‘plan to target and kill police.’ These extremists cannot be easily categorized as right or left-wing. Their members appear to include persons leaning both ways. What they have in common is an anti-government and anti-police agenda and intent to commit violence. One of the suspects in the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is an anarchist who called President Trump an “enemy” and a “tyrant.” The Washington Times reported that social-media posts by Brandon Caserta show a video of him bashing Trump while sitting in front of an anarchist flag. “Trump is not your friend, dude. And it amazes me that people actually believe that when he’s shown over and over and over again that he’s a tyrant,” the accused terror suspect says. “Every single person that works for government is your enemy, dude.” Caserta faces 19 felony charges, including state terrorism counts. Another of the alleged plotters, 23-year-old Daniel Harris, a former enlisted U.S. Marine, reported the Washington Post, attended a Black Lives Matter protest in June, telling reporters at the time that he was angry about the killing of George Floyd and police violence,”... 
How US gas exports to Europe are undermining Vladimir Putin
by Tom Rogan
{ } ~ Russia's energy giant Gazprom isn't very happy with its energy competitors in the United States. The reason? Expanding U.S. liquid natural gas exports to Europe...which is good news for the U.S. and its European allies but not for Gazprom and its Kremlin masters. Speaking on Monday, Elena Burmistrova, head of Gazprom exports, explained why the end of the coronavirus pandemic offers little cause for optimism. "One of the challenges is general oversupply, which we are likely to see in 2021 as well." Burmistrova continued, “U.S. LNG suppliers have unbalanced the European market and failed to stabilize it." That's another way of saying that competition and increased supply drive down prices. Reuters reports Burmistrova as saying that "exports to the European market rose 17% year-on-year, driving gas prices to all-time lows." But it's not just the U.S. LNG supply expansion that is causing Gazprom problems. Burmistrova noted that pending U.S. sanctions against Gazprom's Nord Stream II pipeline are also a major challenge. Gazprom and the Kremlin's issue isn't simply the decline of their once dominant European energy market position. It's the fact that energy prices are falling to a level at which Gazprom struggles to be competitive. The ancillary effect of these lower prices is thus a lower revenue return for Vladimir Putin's government. That matters because Putin is heavily reliant on energy exports for his foreign capital generation. If Russia is unable to maintain its relative stranglehold on the European energy import market, Putin will also find a corollary decline in his ability to extract political concessions from Europe. The nature of the cold European winter is that it affords Putin a means to hold energy hostage to political loyalty. That's why Nord Stream II is so important to the Russian leader. if the pipeline is completed, it will consolidate his European energy-influence strategy for at least the next generation. And that's exactly why the expansion of U.S. LNG is so positive. Not only will this export route keep energy prices low for Europe, it will give European governments the leverage they need to avoid making further concessions to Putin. The U.S. will have an even greater effect here if Nord Stream II is indeed sanctioned into oblivion. That's something President Trump has been pressuring the Europeans on, but which he should further advance over Putin's recent poisoning of dissident journalist Alexei Navalny. Regardless, the top line is positive. Gazprom is struggling, and Europe, NATO, and the U.S. are all better off for it. 
scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden denies ever meeting
Ukrainian official at behest of son Hunter, slams Rudy Giuliani's 'conspiracy theories'
by Jerry Dunleavy
{ } ~ scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden's campaign completely denied a report that the former vice president met with a Ukrainian businessman who worked with his son, Hunter...The campaign said  that "no meeting" between scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden and Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, "ever took place" after a New York Post report on Wednesday titled "Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad" claimed that Hunter Biden introduced the two during his father's time as vice president. The campaign also noted that there have been a multitude of investigations into claims of corruption surrounding the scumbag drumbling lips liar-Bidens and their ties to Burisma. “Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump Administration officials have attested to these facts under oath," scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates told Politico. He also criticized the Post for not asking about "critical elements of the story," and noted that they never mentioned the involvement of President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, who has played a role in investigating the connections between scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden and Ukraine in the lead up to the president's impeachment in the House and acquittal in the Senate. Giuliani was given a copy of the computer hard drive after it was left at a computer repair store, purportedly by Hunter Biden. "They certainly never raised that Rudy Giuliani - whose discredited conspiracy theories and alliance with figures connected to Russian intelligence have been widely reported - claimed to have such materials," Bates added. "Moreover, we have reviewed scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.” The computer repair shop owner who allegedly came into possession of Hunter Biden's computer told the New York Post that he made a copy of the computer’s hard drive and provided it to a lawyer for Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani before handing it over to federal investigators. The outlet said former Trump adviser Steve Bannon alerted the outlet about the hard drive’s existence in September, and Giuliani handed over a copy of it on Sunday. Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, told Fox News on Wednesday the computer hard drive contained an estimated 40,000 emails as well as thousands of texts, plus photos and videos of the former vice president’s son in “very compromising positions.”A September report  by Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson and Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley warned that Hunter Biden’s lucrative position on the board of Burisma created concerns during the scumbag/liar-nObama administration. Much of the report’s focus is on scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden’s role helping guide the scumbag/liar-nObama administration’s Ukraine policy while Hunter Biden received a lucrative position in 2014 on the board of an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings, run by Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, which the Republicans said “created an immediate potential conflict of interest that would prove to be problematic for both U.S. and Ukrainian officials and would affect the implementation of Ukraine policy."...
Why Palestinians Will Not Accept Advice from Arabs
by Khaled Abu Toameh
{ } ~ Shortly after Mahmoud Abbas was elected president of the Palestinian Authority in January 2005, Egypt's then President Hosni Mubarak was asked what advice he would give Palestinian leaders...Mubarak, in an interview with the Al-Arabiya television network, replied: "There has to be a new thinking about the Palestinian issue. Otherwise, we [Arabs] will continue to say no. We have been saying no for the past 50 years, and that is why we missed many opportunities. We said no to the [UN's 1947] Partition Plan, and in 1967 we said no to recognizing Israel in return for a withdrawal [to the 1949 armistice lines]. At the time, we said that what was taken by force can only be restored by force. "They have rejected everything. Now we are in a swamp. The Palestinian people are suffering due to the economic crisis. In my view, the Palestinian leadership now needs to give peace a chance. They need to sit at the negotiating table. This will send a message to the people that there is hope for peace." Fifteen years later, it is evident that Abbas and the Palestinian leadership never took Mubarak's advice seriously. On the contrary, the Palestinian leaders are continuing to act not only against the advice of Mubarak and other Arabs, but also against the interests of their own people. For the past three years, Abbas has cut off all ties with the US administration to protest President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Since the beginning of this year, Abbas has rejected Trump's vision for peace in the Middle East, known as "Peace to Prosperity," and suspended all ties with Israel, including security coordination. What Abbas has done is to reject peace with Israel and prosperity for Palestinians to appease Hamas, Turkey and Qatar. Abbas and the Palestinian leadership have, in the past few weeks, strongly come out against the peace deals signed between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. This position has placed the Palestinians on a collision course with several Arab countries, especially the Gulf states. Many Arabs are reportedly furious with the Palestinian leadership for accusing the UAE and Bahrain of "betraying the Palestinian issue, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem." Instead of talking to the Americans, the Israelis and Arabs who support the idea of making peace with Israel, Abbas is now talking to Hamas, Turkey and Qatar. Last week, he sent a senior delegation of his ruling Fatah faction to Istanbul to discuss with Hamas leaders the possibility of holding long overdue elections for the PA presidency and Palestinian parliament, the Palestine Legislative Council. The two parties said they have agreed to hold new elections within six months. Previous agreements between Fatah and Hamas, however, were never implemented as the two sides continue to engage in a power struggle over money and power...
DOJ Closes ‘Unmasking’ Investigation
{ } ~ The Justice Department has closed its investigation into whether scumbag/liar-nObama administration officials improperly unmasked the identities of Trump associates mentioned in intelligence reports, according to a report...According to The Washington Post, the investigation was recently closed and is unlikely to lead to criminal charges. A report of the investigation will also not be released, according to the newspaper, which cited government sources familiar with the matter. Attorney General William Barr earlier this year tapped John Bash, the outgoing U.S. attorney in San Antonio, to investigate whether scumbag/liar-nObama administration officials abused the process for requesting intelligence reports on Trump associates. The inquiry began following the release of a document that showed that 39 officials in the scumbag/liar-nObama White House and other federal agencies requested intelligence reports that had information about former national security adviser Michael Flynn. The document showed that then-Vice President scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden made a request for an intelligence report that identified Flynn on Jan. 12, 2017. Then-CIA Director scumbag/commie-John Brennan and then-FBI Director scumbag-James Comey also requested intelligence reports regarding Flynn in December 2016. U.S. officials routinely submit so-called unmasking requests in order to better understand intelligence reports. But Republicans have suggested that the scumbag/liar-nObama officials intentionally made requests for reports that mentioned Trump associates. The Republican theory was that government officials may have leaked negative information about Flynn and other Trump associates to the media. It is unclear if Bash investigated the scumbag/liar-nObama officials’ rationale for requesting intelligence reports that mentioned Flynn and other Trump associates. scumbag drumbling lips liar-Biden has been asked about his unmasking request during one interview and denied any wrongdoing. Several Republicans senators have requested documents of unmasking requests that scumbag/liar-nObama-era officials submitted from January 2016 until Donald Trump took office in January 2017. The Bash inquiry appears less successful at uncovering wrongdoing as two other investigations launched by Barr. John Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, is conducting a sprawling investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, as well as into U.S. agencies’ intelligence-gathering activities related to the Trump campaign. That investigation has led to charges against a former FBI attorney who worked on the bureau’s investigation of the Trump campaign. Barr also tapped Jeffrey Jensen, the U.S. attorney for Missouri, to review the Justice Department’s investigation of Flynn. The retired general pleaded guilty during the special counsel’s probe to lying to the FBI about his conversation in December 2016 with Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak. Flynn filed a motion to withdraw his guilty plea on Jan. 29. Jensen has released a trove of previously undisclosed FBI documents related to the investigation. The documents show that the FBI was poised to close a counterintelligence investigation of Flynn in early January 2017, but kept the probe open after obtaining intercepts of Flynn’s calls with Kislyak. Flynn’s lawyers have argued that prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence. The Justice Department filed a motion to drop charges against Flynn on May 7, but the judge handling the case has appealed the decision.  
The Senate Must Be Saved
Douglas Andrews   Lost amid the focus on the presidential campaign is the race for control of the Senate — a race that could be every bit as consequential as the one for the White House.

If the Democrats win the presidency and secure a majority in the Senate, everything changes: statehood for Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico, and four guaranteed Senate seats for the Democrats; a Supreme Court illegitimately packed with hand-picked leftist justices to overturn its current balance and composition; and no more Senate filibuster to protect against reckless and ill-conceived legislation. In short, American government as we know it is at stake.

And in terms of Senate electoral cycles, it’s a bad year for the Republicans. They’re defending 23 seats, while the Democrats are defending just 12.

As we’ve noted before, the GOP has a heavy lift. They currently hold a 53-47 majority in the upper chamber, but they’re defending as many as nine seats in competitive races. With scumbag drumbling lips liar-Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the polls, and with his fellow Democrats leading in many of the Senate’s most competitive races, Republicans risk losing the only governmental institution that stands between Liberty-loving Americans and an authentically radical leftist agenda. Of course, the polls have been wrong before…

As for the individual races, let’s start with a bit of good news. That 53-47 Republican lead is really a 54-46 lead. Alabama Democrat Doug Jones is certain to lose his short-lived seat to Republican challenger Tommy Tuberville. So the Democrats really need to flip four seats and the presidency, or five seats without the presidency, as the vice president casts the tie-breaking vote in a 50-50 Senate.

Republican seats are at greatest risk in the following five states: Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, and North Carolina. Democrats have also put up surprisingly strong challenges in Georgia, Kansas, Montana, and South Carolina, but none of those seats is likely to flip unless  everything else flips, too.

State polls are especially unreliable, but with that caveat, here’s a quick rundown of the five crucial races listed above.

Arizona: Republican Martha McSally, a former fighter pilot, is in real trouble against Mark Kelly, a former astronaut and the husband of popular former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. The RealClearPolitics average of polls has her down seven points.

Colorado: Incumbent Cory Gardner is also in trouble, trailing the state’s former governor, John Hickenlooper. The most recent state poll from a few weeks ago had him closing the gap with Hickenlooper to five points, but Gardner is still the underdog.

Iowa: Republican Joni Ernst would seem to be in the strongest position among these five Republicans, but outside interests are pouring a lot of money into this race to unseat her. The RCP average has businesswoman Theresa Greenfield leading Ernst by five points. A “hold” by Joni Ernst is crucial.

Maine: Longtime moderate Republican incumbent Susan Collins is trying to survive a tough challenge — and a lot of outside money — from Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, who’s up nearly four points in the RCP average.

North Carolina: Here, finally, Republicans might be catching a break. Democrat challenger Cal Cunningham has been leading consistently in the polls against Republican incumbent Thom Tillis, but the events of the past week have likely changed all that. Cunningham, who’s married with children, is now under investigation by the Army Reserve for an extramarital affair — an affair that he’s admitted to. Not only that, but he reportedly cheated on his mistress. (If a guy’s mistress can’t trust him, who can?) He’s since done the requisite “apology” thing, but with a campaign built around themes like duty and honor, Cunningham’s self-inflicted wound has likely turned the race in Tillis’s favor. A Republican “hold” here is all but essential to keeping control of the Senate.

One other Senate race, though, bears watching. Republican challenger John James is giving incumbent Gary Peters all he can handle in Michigan. Any doubt as to the fears he’s generating among Democrats should be dispelled by the $5.4 million recently pumped into his campaign by the PAC of Senate Minority Leader Chuck scumbag-Schumer. James, 39, is black. He’s also a successful businessman and a former Army helicopter pilot. He’s been bucking nationwide trends toward the Democrats, and his campaign’s internal polling has him within the margin of error against Peters, who’s little more than a mediocrity.

Needless to say, an upset here would be a big blow to the Democrats’ senatorial designs. With the Republicans sure to flip one seat in Alabama, a win by James in Michigan would mean a 55-45 Senate, which would allow the GOP to lose four of the above-listed seats without losing control of the upper chamber even if President Trump loses. And that would mean no packing the Supreme Court, no politically motivated statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, and no getting legislatively steamrolled by a hard-left Senate devoid of the filibuster.

Elections do indeed have consequences. Huge consequences. And on November 3, Liberty-loving Americans will have a lot more at stake than merely the presidency.   ~The Patriot Post

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