In late September, Congress passed a bill to keep the government funded at current levels through this Friday. Trump has refused to sign the comprehensive funding bill tied to providing new $600 stimulus checks to qualifying Americans. It’s clear that they don’t have much time to resolve their disagreements and pass a law President Trump will support.
Most likely, they will pass another extension, but Trump has already signaled he would rather use a pocket veto and let the next president handle the issue than sign a bill he can’t support. Such a standoff risks a government shutdown if a solution cannot be passed and signed.
President Trump has had three shutdowns in his term as president, the longest being 35 days between December 2018 and January 2019 over the issue of funding for the border wall. That shutdown forced about 800,000 federal government workers to go on furlough without pay. If an extension is not passed to avoid a shutdown, thousands of government workers considered nonessential would again be furloughed or forced to work without pay until the shutdown ends.
Government leaders love to say how they experience our pain for the lockdowns generated in many Democrat controlled states and cities during the COVID Pandemic restrictions. Many Americans have lost jobs; some have lost their businesses. Government workers can talk as though they understand, but they’ve had no cuts in salary or their retirement plans. They have been insulated from the consequences of their own actions.
Our republic was formed to protect individual citizens from government overreach and control, but now, we see a bloated government with protected bureaucrats calling on extending restrictions on citizens. While citizens suffer, the federal government just increases the federal deficit and prints more money. Government workers lose nothing; they continue to be paid at current levels. The incoming administration has the audacity to talk about increasing taxes on the citizens who have been already paying the price for their restrictive controls they’ve had in place since the Spring.
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We need to quit paying they're lazy asses and get to work.
unmitigated hypocrisy from govt. employees who have not felt the pain of covid.
Folks ... I'm hearing a lot of frustrations and angst. I'm hearing 'shut it (the government) down', but until what happens? You want the govrnment to do something? OK ... what? That's how legitimate negotiations happen. Anything less ... we have the equivalence of children throwing tantrums.
the federal government, mostly the political ruling class, is a total waste of our money. They waste billions on sham "investigations" and give billions more to their owners and billions to our enemies!!!!! Most of them, all devildemocommiecrats and the gop establishment are TRAITORS!!!!!!!!!! There are only a handful of politicians I trust.
We have the world's best negotiator in the White House. Whatever he does will be the best decision. No reason for a guy like me to chime in. Plenty of reason to continue trusting Trump no matter what.
If it does shutdown make sure Congress DOESN'T get any pay
Lets shut the government down. They are non producing entities who live off the taxpayers while destroying private businesses and people's lives. Every dictator governor should be imprisoned and we can start with the three on the west coast. This is a nightmare year!!!!
4 on the west coast.
We have shut down sence March. Has anything changed for the good. ? No ! The Swiss didn't shut down. Any changes of the FLU. NO !. The Swiss Helth Dept. says this is the average FLU. Not the Ebola Virus.
We are in a cold war with china. china is behind the Flu. china is behind the news. china is behind Hollywood. In order for communist china to work, they have to seal from every one.
We need to freeze politicians salaries until they start representing the American people and not other countries