
The sell-by date of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s usefulness has expired. He should exit the public stage that he so obviously enjoys. His long tenure as a healthcare bureaucrat should come to an end. He has proven more adept as a showman than as a doctor.


We have now reached the stage where the most dangerous place in Washington, D.C. is between Anthony Fauci and a camera. If he’s not tossing out the first pitch at a baseball game (was that what that was?), he is preening in shades sitting by a pool.

Dr. Fauci, for good or ill, has been the commandant of the federal, state, and local response to the COVID-19 virus for these last many months. He has been the architect, if not the builder, of policies that have been inconsistent, unpredictable, and destructive. 

He has opined on virtually every aspect of American life and its intersection with the virus and potential cures. While he has often said that his job is to focus solely on stopping the spread of the disease, he has enjoyed proffering his opinion on everything from baseball to lockdowns. For a guy who thinks his job is very narrowly focused, he sure has a broad range of opinions. And, he has a naïve attitude when it comes to the implications of his casual dicta. 

His policies have resulted in an economic disaster, a public mental health crisis, and a secondary public health crisis that will become more visible in the coming months. And ultimately, his counsel has transformed America’s vision of itself, from our belief in individual rights to the role of government, in ways that may never revert back to the baseline of pre-COVID life.

It was his advice to lockdown most states and local jurisdictions that resulted in the unemployment of tens of millions of Americans. Thousands of businesses have been permanently shuttered. People who had mortgaged their homes or leveraged their retirement savings to open businesses saw their economic dreams vanish. But, Fauci told Congress he didn’t consider these things when crafting his policies.

Suicide rates have soared. Under Fauci’s guidance, domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, have also skyrocketed. The Census Bureau embedded questions typically used by counselors to determine clinical depression in a national survey. More than a third of all Americans responding (48,000) answered yes to each of the questions.

The sell-by date of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s usefulness has expired. He should exit the public stage that he so obviously enjoys. His long tenure as a healthcare bureaucrat should come to an end. He has proven more adept as a showman than as a doctor.


We have now reached the stage where the most dangerous place in Washington, D.C. is between Anthony Fauci and a camera. If he’s not tossing out the first pitch at a baseball game (was that what that was?), he is preening in shades sitting by a pool.

Dr. Fauci, for good or ill, has been the commandant of the federal, state, and local response to the COVID-19 virus for these last many months. He has been the architect, if not the builder, of policies that have been inconsistent, unpredictable, and destructive. 

He has opined on virtually every aspect of American life and its intersection with the virus and potential cures. While he has often said that his job is to focus solely on stopping the spread of the disease, he has enjoyed proffering his opinion on everything from baseball to lockdowns. For a guy who thinks his job is very narrowly focused, he sure has a broad range of opinions. And, he has a naïve attitude when it comes to the implications of his casual dicta. 

His policies have resulted in an economic disaster, a public mental health crisis, and a secondary public health crisis that will become more visible in the coming months. And ultimately, his counsel has transformed America’s vision of itself, from our belief in individual rights to the role of government, in ways that may never revert back to the baseline of pre-COVID life.

It was his advice to lockdown most states and local jurisdictions that resulted in the unemployment of tens of millions of Americans. Thousands of businesses have been permanently shuttered. People who had mortgaged their homes or leveraged their retirement savings to open businesses saw their economic dreams vanish. But, Fauci told Congress he didn’t consider these things when crafting his policies.

Suicide rates have soared. Under Fauci’s guidance, domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, have also skyrocketed. The Census Bureau embedded questions typically used by counselors to determine clinical depression in a national survey. More than a third of all Americans responding (48,000) answered yes to each of the questions.

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    Hydroxychloroquine One More Time
    Hydroxychloroquine One More Time Paul Craig Roberts It is a proven undeniable fact that if given early, hydroxychloroqine (HCQ) given with azithromyc…
  • Fauci is on one of the boards of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, He helped creat the doomsday "Event 201" Check them all out.  Fauci is a Socialist Luciferian snake and should have never been in the mix at the Whitehouse.  Same game that the CDC, WHO, and other global and National health organizations, who all are with (hand-in-hand) the Global Economic Forum and more of the UN Agenda 21-2030.  People don't seem to get it, and they really won't like it when the have it. 

  • it's getting crazy as the day goes by.

  • Their manipulation of this pandemic extended well beyond the medical field to become a key element in the Marxist/Democrat Party's November Elections strategy... too, destroy our economy and bring down an otherwise guaranteed second term Presidential Candidate... Pres. Trump.   Anyone with a modicum of political savvy knows that the effects of this non-Pandemic .. .pandemic is the child of the Brix Fauci union... made in China is stamped all over it and it was Fauci who sent this ill-fated virus to Wuhan, China with a research gift of 3.7 million ... resulting in its questionable release and a worldwide pandemic.

    It has been Fauci and Brix who have led the charge to keep Hydroxychoroquine off the list of effective therapies for this plague... resulting in hundreds of thousands dying or suffering serious disability from its effects... it is time to retire Fauci and Brix... and to investigate their links to Remdesivir and the coming Vaccine for COVID 19... and if it is demonstrated that they have financial links to promote these therapies; then, they need to be prosecuted for willful misconduct in office and involuntary manslaughter for the many who died because of any willful misconduct on their part.


    • High time for them to disappear into the cloud!

    • Absolutely correct.  QUESTION: Who does FAUCI work for in the ELITE world?  Whose orders is he following?  This is part of the world wide scam to take control of the entire world economic system.  What a beautiful opportunity does the SCAM-DEMIC present for the Elites to enslave the world.  A brilliant masterstroke thought up by evil geniuses.

    • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation where he sits on one of their boards... But they are the ones making him a multi-millionaire. 

  • Fouci is 79 years old which is too old to know anything . He must retire and enjoy life for the time he has left.

    • Don't foolishly underestimate Fauci and his comrades in-scam.

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