Time for Trump Voters to Spring into Action

Trump 2020 - Make Liberals Cry Again

Today marks the moment the president's Minutemen base has been waiting for.

The middle-class insurgency has become operational. I don't know how else to say it. There's a quiet seriousness among Trump voters as they prepare to vote in person. Each day, they raise their American flags, wave to their neighbors, and go about their business; but behind the smiles, Republicans are as focused as they've ever been. There's a look that you, no doubt, have seen on the faces of fellow Americans, a barely noticeable nod of the head that communicates a simple message: "Git-R-Done."

Two hundred and fifty years ago, the "Deplorables" were "Minutemen," ready to drop everything in a given moment and run toward danger. Today's "Minutemen" are wearing MAGA hats and flying Trump flags, patiently biding their time until they're called. Waiting to re-elect the president in 2020 has been like patiently heeding the Bunker Hill order to hold position until seeing "the whites of their eyes," and now that the election is here, the "Deplorables" are raring to go.

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  • I'm a Minutewoman. Let's roll!

    • I would roll with you but am old, very disabled, and poor.  I can't afford to go anywhere and not able to walk far.  I can't hold a rifle. To help I pray and write 

    • I pray, too, and have all day today. I'll add you to my prayers.

    • Melanie, I appreciate any prayers on my behalf.  I had a severe vstroke on August 19, 2014.  I should have died according to the neurologist but God has a plan for me.  I had a dream in May 2016 that I would wake up one morning totally healed.  That day hasn't come yet but it will come.  I pray erevy day and have for several years that we will be delivered from the devildemocommiecrats and their deep state gop establishment cohorts.  Faith has brought me this far and will bring me to full recovery.  I believe faith and fervent prayer will deliver us from tyranny.

    • Bob, I will also add you to my prayers.

    • You are most welcome, Bob. He is more than able to restore you fully.

    • Jea, thanks very much, prayers are very appreciated.

    • I'm glad you're still here, and I believe the same. God bless.


    • Melanie, thanks very much.  I am glad I am still here too and will be glad when my day of restoration arrives.  I have the training and experience to be a great asset in a battle but lack the physical ability at this time but God will fix me when the right time comes.  I believe He has a calender with a day circled and my name on it.  When that day gets here He will restore me.  I was 64 when I had the stroke but was in excellent physical condition.  I could have gone into battle until the moment the stroke hit.  The neurologist said that in 25 years he had never seen anyone suffer so much brain damage and survive.  He first said I wouldn't live through the night.  The "good news" he gave my family 3 days later was that I would likely live but would be paralyzed never able to get out of bed and would be a mental vegetable never knowing who or where I was.  Now my left arm is paralyzed and I need a cane to walk but God will fix it eventually..  I pray every night that the next morning will be the one in my dream and when it isn't I say, "oh well it will be tomorrow.  I spent 5 years doing volunteer work at the Claremore Veterans Center until the corona outbreak shut that down.  I was able to help others and give them hope as they saw me improve.  There are many there after strokes, some less disabled than me and some more disabled.  Seeing me gave them and their families hope for recovery, or at least improvement.

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