
Our nation is in grave danger. If you thought the invasion of Ukraine was bad, wait until May 11th, when the full-scale invasion of America begins.

As many as one million foreigners have amassed on our Southern Border, ready to invade the moment Title 42 ends on May 11th. Tens of millions more will soon follow.

Our nation is under attack. Our nation is under invasion. Our nation and economy are in danger of collapse. Your family is in grave danger. America will never recover.

How did this happen? Why is there a virtual media blackout? 

If Russia or China were massing at our Southern border with one million troops ready to attack on May 11th, wouldn’t you be scared to death? Wouldn’t you expect the media to report on it?

Well, we are being attacked by an army of a million foreigner invaders- made up of illegal aliens, criminals released from prisons all over the world, drug traffickers, terrorists and even thousands of Chinese military age males.

Is anyone asking why Chinese military age males are here? How did military age males get out of compulsory military service in China? How did they get here? Who paid for this long expensive journey? Why would China pay for them to mass at our border? Are these spies? Is this a stealth Chinese invasion of America?

May 11th is just days away. Yet no one seems too concerned. The media is covering it up like it’s a rigged election, or proof of corruption on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

read more here:

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  • The comming crisis reminds me of the Barbarians at Rome's Gates... Our Politicians are TREASONOUS SOBs... they are doing this for money... power and personal aggrandizement. The Corporate world wants cheap labor, managed markets, and economies. The fascist in DC and on Wall Street, are creating a new world order.  The millions in the third world are being used to break the middle class, to yoke them to a new age fiefdom and economic model.

    The Super Wealthy see great opportunity in the coming economic crisis..  a door thru which a return to the days of child labor, company stores, indentured/debtor servitude, and local landlords who rule the indigent population with the aid of a super wealthy cabal.  The Globalists view a general collapse of the economy and the loss of economic mobility as an opportunity... trapping hundreds of millions in a NEW PLANTATION.... a new world order... not far from the days of feudalism... the supreme arm of capitalism.

    SlantRight 2.0: The Barbarians at the Gates

    • It seems death is leering at a possible debut for mass carnage.

      Yet the authors of this orchestrated chaos must surely be fated to meet this grinning confederate.

      Do they know it?


    • Barbarians inside the gates

  • Reinforcements for the Cartel armies that China is deploying into our cities across the country. 

  • Horrible

  • Why the Chinese are here - because TRAITOR JOE  wants their help in destoying the USA.  He's in the pockets of the CCP BIG TIME!  Troops sent to do nothing but process them, provide baby sitting service; do paperwork.  What a disgrace.

  • The troops should be there to stop the invasion, not support it!  Not one invader should be allowed into this country and all those already here should be deported.  Let's take our country back and enforce our laws.

    • So, how do we do that Joan?  How do we take our county back and enforce our laws?? 

    • By voting out the incumbants that don't follow the Constitution and protect our country. I'll start out by saying vote out the majority of the Democrats starting at the top.  Start voting in patriots, those who believe in and enforce our immegration laws.  Do you have any ideas on how to do this?


    • Voting don't work anymore, we must entertain another way to purge those who disrespect our Constitution... Lesson learned from the last Presidential election................

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