To Save The Republic, Destroy The Media


To produce some viruses for study, in the hope of eradicating them, scientists use monkey kidney cells. It’s the perfect environment for them to replicate; to grow. For the virus that is progressivism, the media is the monkey kidneys, and to eliminate the threat that this left-wing sibling of communism, socialism, and fascism poses to the world, that delivery device needs to be destroyed. 


The profession, or at least what it used to be and is supposed to be, is important to the country. People need to know what is happening in their world. But what we have now is not journalism, it’s something else, something beyond propaganda. It can’t be reformed, the core isn’t rotten, it’s deliberately corrupt and hell bent on the destruction of our way of life.

Journalism has always had bias, but they at least used to try to hide it. They’d report some truth, leaving out other, inconvenient parts on the cutting room floor. Now they make it up. They make it up for the express purpose of manipulating people, herding people into groups, then turning those groups against one another. All in service to the Democrat Party. 

Just this week alone, there have been more examples than I can count of propaganda and lies that would make Leni Riefenstahl and Joseph Goebbels embarrassed. 

Paul Krugman at the New York Times told his 4.6 million followers, “In reality, given that GOP supporters believe that rampaging mobs burned and looted major cities — somehow without the people actually living in those cities noticing — getting them to see facts about something as abstract as the deficit is a hopeless cause.” 

This isn’t mistake, he didn’t get it wrong or word it poorly, and he’s not uninformed; it is a deliberate lie. 

Multiple media outlets have gone after civilians for donating to the defense fund for Kyle Rittenhouse, getting people fired for as little as $10. Stalin was more tolerant of differing points of view than these people. 

The day after it was announced that South Carolina Senator Tim Scott is to deliver the Republican response to Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar Oprah-style giveaway before a joint session of Congress, the Washington Post ran a preemptive hit piece on him under the guise of a “fact-check.” The only thing was there was nothing to fact-check. 

The Post’s Glenn Kessler spontaneously decided to “fact-check” something unrelated to policy proposals. It was personal – how, in his family, they’d gone from his grandfather picking cotton to him being a United States Senator.

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