Biden's exit strategy | 2021 Taliban Offensive in Afghanistan | Know Your  Meme

President Joe Biden’s unlimited resettlement of Afghans has brought “dozens of suspected bomb-makers and terrorists” to the United States, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) says.

As Breitbart News reported, a Department of Defense Inspector General report reveals that Biden’s agencies failed to properly vet Afghans arriving in the U.S. As of November 2021, the report states 50 Afghans already in the U.S. have been flagged for “significant security concerns.”

Most of the unvetted Afghans flagged for possible terrorism ties, the report states, have since disappeared into the nation’s interior. In one instance, the report noted that only three of 31 Afghans flagged months ago for security concerns could be located.

“Joe Biden promised to vet the evacuees that came to America after his retreat from Afghanistan,” Cotton said in a statement:

But he didn’t, and now American lives are at risk. According to this report, dozens of suspected bomb-makers and terrorists arrived in our country — and now some have gone missing. This debacle is yet another reminder of the dangerous consequences of Joe Biden’s dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan. [Emphasis added]

To date, Biden has resettled more than 74,400 Afghans across American communities in 46 states since mid-August 2021 despite top national security officials admitting that minimal vetting procedures are used to facilitate the resettlement operation.

Already, a number of Afghans brought to the U.S. by Biden have been accused or convicted of crimes. Most recently, an Afghan man in Virginia was convicted of sexually molesting a three-year-old girl.

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  • Yes, he will use them to impose martial law on We the People, patriots not blowing things up!!!!!  This is part of the satanist strategy to destroy America!!!!!!!!!!

  • Biden is a total idiot who should be impeached immediately.  He was not duly elected.  The corrupt DemonRats stole the election.  Please get the word out about the Durham report and the findings about Clintongate.  What Hillary Clinton did was commit treason and should be proscuted.  The corrupt liberal media is hiding the facts from the American people.  They want to protect Clinton like they did Hunter Biden over his laptop.  We The People cannot let this happen.  Tell everyone you know about this.  Word of mouth is the only way we can get this out.  Hillary must go to prison.

    • Mary, hitlery and her ilk should be hanged, prison is a waste of space, money, and fresh air!!!!!!!!!!


    • Agreed

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