
  • How many ways do we have to sho who Fauci is and what he has done before they arrest the old bastard?

  • His funding of human and animal research is criminal!!! Yes he should be tried internationally as America has no doj. Crimes against humanity IS Fauci.

    But in order to convict him, his co-conspirators need the same.

  • Quote: Americans should be interested in taking the vaccine because “they want to live.” - Anthony Fauci. So history does repeat itself: There was a famous German Man who said something simular about taking a train... we all know how that turned out for 6 million Jews and 9 million Polish people!

  • His corruption is well known but ignored by our commie government.

  • Fauci needs to be subjected to same horrors he subjected the "lil" Beagle puppies too!

  • Gain of function research is a breach of law in the US and internationally... He needs to answer to a jury of his peers for his actions. 

    • but his jury of peers support him! He needs a jury of dog lovers. 

    • Couldn't agree more. Jail him for the rest of his evil life

    • Not jail, why waste money supporting that satanic elf!!!!!  Hang him for TREASON and crimes against humanity!!!!!


    • NO jail time for "international genocide"- he should receive nothing less than the death penalty.

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