The Democrats are crazy. What a surprise!! - Sarcastic Nicholas Cage | Make  a Meme

Winning is not enough for the left. Leftists demand penalization for the opposition.

Trump voters beware: your ballot could get you jailed after January 20, 2021.

If Joe Biden wins the presidency, and takes the oath of office with one hand on Abraham Lincoln's Bible (hopefully not Das Kapital or Kendi's How to Be an Antiracist), open season may be declared on any American morally obtuse enough to believe that 45 deserved four more years.

"Trump must be defeated ... and his enablers, and his supporters ... must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society," ranted the always hot-blooded Keith Olbermann. The former MSNBC anchor traffics in caustic bombast, and this declaration was not very different from his usual huffy diatribes against Republicans. But the notion of revenge is going mainstream.

"The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these [Trumpian] people ... is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission," tweeted MSNBC prime-time host Chris Hayes, a politic Martin compared to the Nelson-esque brashness of Olbermann. "When this nightmare is over, we need a [tr]uth and [r]econciliation [c]ommission," proposed former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. Elie Mystal of The Nation floated the same proposition.

The nod to South Africa's bureaucratic sob-story collectanea is too thoughtful by half: a white farmer in Senekal might beg to differ on the efficacy of his country's own guilt ministry if he hadn't been beaten and hanged by black assailants earlier this month.

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