Steven Horsford (D-NV4) has repeatedly slammed the Trump administration over what he claims is “racism” or “anti-LGBT” policies.
Meanwhile, Shelbie Bostedt, who has served as the two-term African-American Congressman’s Press Secretary since June 2019, has tweeted the word “n*gga” or “n*ggas” over 20 times, as well as tweeting the hashtag “#DirtyMexicans.”
Bostedt has mocked Indian accents and taken particular aim at Asians, in a series of tweets dating back to 2013.
“THERE IS AN ASIAN BRIGADE IN MCCARRAN. I REPEAT: ASIAN BRIGADE,” she tweeted, and in another racially motivated attack, said of Asian classmates: “There are almost too many stereotypes to count.”

Bostedt has also referred to thing with the pejorative use of “gay” and “super homo”.
The Democrat staffer has worked for the left-wing Foreign Policy magazine, the Chicago Tribune, and is currently enrolled in a Master’s programme at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C.
When contacted for this story, Ms. Bostedt refused to respond and instead set her social media accounts to “private” mode: an arguably odd thing to do for a press secretary.
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I was raised by a mother and grandmother who came from Texas. Among other things I learned was never, ever, to use the "N-word" or other racist terms. I grew up in a racially heterogeneous neigbhborhood in Los Angeles and went to a racially heterogenous high school: Asian, Hispanic and black comprised the majority of students. I never had a problem for the simple reason I had long since learned to look at people as people and not as colors on a palette. Obviously Democrats have never learned this lesson. If Horsford had any principles at alll he wouild fire this woman.
The Democrats are racist bigots, the boll weevils of America eating out the republic's substance while trying to destroy the nation.
If a Republican's staffer had done that the Democrats media cheerleaders would be demanding the Congressman's head as well as the staffers.
All I can say is this as long as we have black people and white people we are going to have racism in this world it doesn't matter what party we are from racism will the norm.
Bottom line is simple, it is not about the words, names, sarcastic racial identifiers, it is about creating faux outrage to get those with low I.Q.s to vote for the marxist/commies every 4 years.
remember what hillary clinton recently said " they all look alike "
These demorats are divisive racists. In the meantime Trump is the great unifier who even reaches out constructively to the ones opposing him,
Surprise, surprise surprise.... not... every single democrat is a racist and have been since the "party " began.... some of the most judgmental and hateful people I ever met.