The Democratic Party is truly the Party of hate! They hate everything our country stands for. They hate: ALL Conservatives, ALL whites, ALL people over 60, and especiallyTrump and ALL his 100 million voters! That's their platform for 2024! Why in the world is our 2022 election too close to call? They are not counting on voters, they are counting on vote counters!
Hate is an extreme emotional and illogical condition that produces poor outcomes... a better choice is to stand in opposition to hate, offering solutions to our problems that include room for mercy and grace. We must all resist returning evil for evil... remembering... that but for the grace of God there go I. Hate blinds the internal compassion of godly men and women. Hate has no friends, and knows no concourse with good, it consumes all it takes, leaving nothing of value for the common good.
Hate must be countered by reasoned acts... tempered with mercy and grace if we are to convert the wicked and heal the breach in the heart of man... Love thy enemy, return good for evil and God will reward us with peace the world has never known.
The Earth contains sufficient resources and wealth that no man or woman.... no child or aged soul should ever want for any necessity of life... Greed and avarice have divided the nations and kept mankind at one another's throat vying for power and the wealth of others... while, ignoring the abundance of riches God placed in the earth. It is the selfish and foolish men and women who lust after another's rightful inheritance and portion of God's good earth... that have spawned wars and the hatred which divides men into opposing tribes and cohorts of hate.
This must end... and it will with the return of Jesus Christ to rule the world. Until then the believers must work to retain as much love among the nations as possible... often suffering as Christ once did the scorn of the unrighteous and often violent persecution of evil... from those who oppose the will of God... that all men should love one another, even as GOD loves us all... sinner included. It is not an easy thing to be a true Christian.
Cameron Stapel > Cameron StapelSeptember 30, 2022 at 10:27am
They are also counting on the million of illegal votes!
Activists operate on their own provided intel. These wagging tongues are propagating to the spectator snowflakes, who will not likely make the differance, but offer an implied societal cover of a multitude for those who wil act . These megaphones opinions certainly do not reflect the reality of the situation. IMHO
What? What did you just say... wagging tongues... propagating to spectator snowflakes... offering an implied societal cover... megaphones of opinion that do not reflect reality...
The only megaphone here is malfunctioning... and reality has been exchanged for propagating tongues... wagging spectator snowflakes... and a mess of gobbledygook that lacks any contact with reality.
Earth to Skeptical, earth to Skeptical is everything all right ... over?
Skeptical > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredOctober 1, 2022 at 2:47am
I'll translate.
These are not actual journalists, but talking shills who broadcast an agenda narrative of their owners, and not to present factual truth in current events reality.
Their target audience members are "useful idiot" social justice warriors who will not likely act on the fictional information, but will internalize and parrot it in droves, leaving the impression of a grass roots concern.
In a benefit of doubt given to grass roots movements, agitators are afforded cover to take hostile actions (remember the "mostly peaceful" protestors and the government agents in the 1/6 rally crowd?). These acting enemies of the nation do not pay heed to the MSM propaganda, but are issued their own understanding of current events in directives.
If what I post seems perfectly obscure, GOOD! The tech giants algorithms will be confused too.
We have a rogue FBI being pressed into service as a police state leftist small army with amazing discretion as to who they can investigate at-will (I recommend Dan Bonginos 9/30 podcast for more data, if wanted). As Bongino puts it, there is little differance between the CCP, the Stasi, the Gestapo and our FBI/Justice dept., but in matters of degree. They are being aimed at conservatives in this Country for simply being conservative, through illegal censorship by deputized second parties (government is Constitutionally restricted from doing this), intimidation, prosecution, and imprisonment. This abuse is implimented as high up as the 45th Potus. The First Amendment is not even on these rouge's radar screen.
And no, everything is not all right. Leftist office holders and the Deep State as a whole are full-court pressing tyranny as I predicted months ago, the closer the mid terms get, followed by 2024. These criminals know the jig is up nd they do not want to pay!
Some were news clippings, not all. They also took his will!
The Democratic Party is truly the Party of hate! They hate everything our country stands for. They hate: ALL Conservatives, ALL whites, ALL people over 60, and especiallyTrump and ALL his 100 million voters! That's their platform for 2024! Why in the world is our 2022 election too close to call? They are not counting on voters, they are counting on vote counters!
Now is the time to hold a "Convention Of The States " The Dems are little more then traitors living off of the tax peyers dime .
They sat on their fat ass,s while Antifa and BLM tourched police stations ,local business and public buldings .
Article V of the US Constitution " Convention Of The States" = Term limits for Congress !! :)
No one in our corrupt Government wants Article 5, including the RINO driven Republicans.
Hate is an extreme emotional and illogical condition that produces poor outcomes... a better choice is to stand in opposition to hate, offering solutions to our problems that include room for mercy and grace. We must all resist returning evil for evil... remembering... that but for the grace of God there go I. Hate blinds the internal compassion of godly men and women. Hate has no friends, and knows no concourse with good, it consumes all it takes, leaving nothing of value for the common good.
Hate must be countered by reasoned acts... tempered with mercy and grace if we are to convert the wicked and heal the breach in the heart of man... Love thy enemy, return good for evil and God will reward us with peace the world has never known.
The Earth contains sufficient resources and wealth that no man or woman.... no child or aged soul should ever want for any necessity of life... Greed and avarice have divided the nations and kept mankind at one another's throat vying for power and the wealth of others... while, ignoring the abundance of riches God placed in the earth. It is the selfish and foolish men and women who lust after another's rightful inheritance and portion of God's good earth... that have spawned wars and the hatred which divides men into opposing tribes and cohorts of hate.
This must end... and it will with the return of Jesus Christ to rule the world. Until then the believers must work to retain as much love among the nations as possible... often suffering as Christ once did the scorn of the unrighteous and often violent persecution of evil... from those who oppose the will of God... that all men should love one another, even as GOD loves us all... sinner included. It is not an easy thing to be a true Christian.
They are also counting on the million of illegal votes!
Activists operate on their own provided intel. These wagging tongues are propagating to the spectator snowflakes, who will not likely make the differance, but offer an implied societal cover of a multitude for those who wil act . These megaphones opinions certainly do not reflect the reality of the situation. IMHO
What? What did you just say... wagging tongues... propagating to spectator snowflakes... offering an implied societal cover... megaphones of opinion that do not reflect reality...
The only megaphone here is malfunctioning... and reality has been exchanged for propagating tongues... wagging spectator snowflakes... and a mess of gobbledygook that lacks any contact with reality.
Earth to Skeptical, earth to Skeptical is everything all right ... over?
I'll translate.
These are not actual journalists, but talking shills who broadcast an agenda narrative of their owners, and not to present factual truth in current events reality.
Their target audience members are "useful idiot" social justice warriors who will not likely act on the fictional information, but will internalize and parrot it in droves, leaving the impression of a grass roots concern.
In a benefit of doubt given to grass roots movements, agitators are afforded cover to take hostile actions (remember the "mostly peaceful" protestors and the government agents in the 1/6 rally crowd?). These acting enemies of the nation do not pay heed to the MSM propaganda, but are issued their own understanding of current events in directives.
If what I post seems perfectly obscure, GOOD! The tech giants algorithms will be confused too.
We have a rogue FBI being pressed into service as a police state leftist small army with amazing discretion as to who they can investigate at-will (I recommend Dan Bonginos 9/30 podcast for more data, if wanted). As Bongino puts it, there is little differance between the CCP, the Stasi, the Gestapo and our FBI/Justice dept., but in matters of degree. They are being aimed at conservatives in this Country for simply being conservative, through illegal censorship by deputized second parties (government is Constitutionally restricted from doing this), intimidation, prosecution, and imprisonment. This abuse is implimented as high up as the 45th Potus. The First Amendment is not even on these rouge's radar screen.
And no, everything is not all right. Leftist office holders and the Deep State as a whole are full-court pressing tyranny as I predicted months ago, the closer the mid terms get, followed by 2024. These criminals know the jig is up nd they do not want to pay!
Try translating in English... not ebonics, most of us are not fluent in such dialects. Thanks.