"A Nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it can not survive TREASON FROM  WITHIN...  An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly, but the traitor moves among those within the gate freely.  His sly whispers rustling thru all the galleries, heard in every hall of government itself.  For the traitor appears, not as a traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their garments.  He appeals to the BASENESS that lies in the heart of all men.  He rots the soul of a Nation.  He works secretly and unknown in the night, to undermine the pillars of the city.  He INFECTS THE BODY POLITIC so that it can no longer resist.  A murderer is less to be feared. " Cicero 42 B.C.
The above words are no less true today than when first spoken by Cicero... our body politic is infected, with the baseness of men. These traitors speak in familiar accents, and they wear the face and garments of our neighbors; but at heart, they undermine the pillars of liberty and rot our Nation's soul.  These political psychopaths lie with impunity and cunning, purchasing public favor with promises they can not keep.  They are charismatic and confident, the elite who commit global crimes: mass genocide, generational slavery, and the theft of the wealth of Nations.  Bernie Madoff has nothing on these men.  Aesop said of these men  "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to high office."
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence it is force. like fire, it is a dangerous servant and fearful master." George Washington.  Governments like fire can be both a blessing and a curse. When a government is limited it preserves man's unalienable rights, but like a fire out of control, it can also be the force to destroy the lives, liberty, and property of the people it was created to protect.  If a society has too much government the people become the subjects of tyrants; while, in societies with too little government, they experience anarchy.
For peace, prosperity, and freedom, to be maximized, the government must be held in check. In our case, that check was (past tense) the Constitution; when, combined with a well-educated, moral, and vigilant, people, our liberty was secure.  Today the Constitution is ignored and the people have forsaken their moral compass.  The people have been 'dumbed down' and apathy rules the body politic of our nation.  Hence, our government is no longer held in check by the chains of its Constitution or a moral and vigilant people.  The Constitution is no longer rigidly enforced by moral or well-educated and informed people. It is therefore imperative that 'we the people, reinstate the traditional values that made our Nation... a City set upon a hill, a beacon of liberty in a world of darkness...
The American Dream requires due diligence by moral, informed, and vigilant, people. I fear that the candle of our liberty will soon be extinguished... that its source of light no longer rests in the heart of its people; that, our father's creed and love of liberty, has been lost to an entire generation. America as we knew her is fading in the twilight of her Constitution... A dream extinguished by ill-informed, immoral people; whose, better judgment has been replaced by the baser values of the mob... who now look to prosper at another's expense.
"Government is the great fiction thru which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." Frederick Bastiat.  Our government has in fact proven these words to be true.  The fundamentals of our liberty no longer rest in the hearts and minds of the people. The baser moral values of the mob now rule... as each man looks to prosper at another's expense.


By:  RA Nelson

COL. US Army (Ret) 

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  • Long grows the shadow of tyranny in the public squares of America... few there are who understand the crisis that now confronts our Nation... A people devoid of understanding, a  Godless Mob now sit in the high places of our government...

    We have sown to the wind and soon will reap of the whirlwind... a blustery retort of a people who have lost their way ... whose feet have turned to the baser side of mankind's nature.  Pray that

    America may yet yield the leadership needed to return her to her God, and a repentant heart.  Pray that her people will repent and turn from their wicked ways to humbly seek the face of God and forgiveness for our sins... then, God may hear from heaven and heal our land.  Time is short and the season of repentance will soon end and then only judgment will await our nation and our children.

  • Bump...


  • Now comes the tax man to collect his due...  we not only suffer under the heavy hand of economic tyranny... we must PAY FOR IT AS WELL.  This is a lose, lose proposition... what ever happened to win, win?  Gone with the wind?

  • You are correct. God have mercy.

  • These young people that vote Democrats for free stuff will have to pay a price if World War starts. I can see it now "Bidens Snowflake Army" God help the USA!

  • Has it occurred to anyone that it is impossible for the Left, AKA Democrat officials to be as corrupt as they are without the Right AKA Republican officials being at least as corrupt? I mean seriously, What has changed over the administrations other than the tempo of this march to tyranny?

    • Exactly... bipartisanship with corruption doesn't promote better government it leads to the deterioration of the whole government.  A rotten apple in a barrel soon infects and destroys the whole.  

    •  A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

  • As we see there was not a shot fired and completely from within...  Let's face it, the Democrats have performed the perfect Coup d'état! They have control of every facet of Government and us clinging to hope of some farcical "Wave" to be the cure is insanity i.e. "Keep using the same corrupted Election Officials, Election Rules, and Voting Machines and... expect a different outcome." Even if we were able to overcome the vote rigging, I ask what actions would be taken by the (R's) other than a few firebrands absolutely NOTHING! History under the McConnell Leadership has proven this! 
    So, I close with words from our founding Fathers: "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it." Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, and "The tree of liberty benefits from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots" Thomas Jefferson. 
    I call all to remember the words used by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his poem "Paul Reveres Ride" to describe the signal used to guide Revere at the start of the Revolutionary War. Only this time friends just one lantern has been placed and I'm riding through the streets of what's left of our Country... shouting..."One if by Land". Godspeed to those that join me and God Bless the USA!  
  • A tall tree and a short rope would stop this foolishness real quick.

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