
As the Memorial Day weekend approaches, Americans are reminded once again of the “absolute measure of devotion” given by so many, to protect or Nation from those mortal enemies who would breach our borders and brutally impose their hostile ways on us. We’ve faced many such enemies throughout the two and a half-centuries since we declared our thirteen original Colonies as “Free and Independent States,” and proved that we would fight to preserve the American Ideal and protect our way of life. And we have prevailed.

Now we face an adversary that is every bit as pernicious and every bit as grave a threat to our continued existence as any the history of our Nation. However, it does not yet wage its war against us with battleships and tanks, so too many Americans remain willfully oblivious to it. We do so to our peril, and that of our children and grandchildren. The time to recognize it for the truly evil entity that it is, and to sufficiently confront it on that basis is limited. We must act if we are to survive.

This enemy lurks in our midst. It is known by various names, including the political “left” and “Globalists,” and operates in the inner circles of both major political parties, though it is the Democrats who officially embrace it and openly advance its detestable, perverse agenda. But it is critically important that “We the People” identify every place where it operates, and root out the evil that it embodies. Doing anything less is tantamount to partially removing a malignant tumor. The consequences of such are fully predictable, and most often fatal to the host.

Many Conservatives are newly emboldened to hold up the recently released Durham report, as evidence of massive corruption and manipulation of the political process within the highest levels of the Federal Government. And while such an assessment is absolutely true, it still only scratches the surface of the disease that has spread throughout the top offices in the land. Yet to assume that the self-evident treachery of those in authority will somehow spur the corrupt system to “fix” itself is dangerously naïve.

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