Trigger Warnings And Other Stupid Things Democrats Do

Trigger Warning

You have to be a special kind of soft to require a trigger warning before anything. For those of you who are normal, whose parents loved them and have developed normal friendships with other human beings, a trigger warning is a note before some bit of information or words that might upset people. Again, not for normal people. For normal people this is just called life. For leftists, the participation ribbon generation who scream about opposing fascism while following in Hitler’s footsteps, a trigger warning is not only a requirement, it’s another opportunity to claim victim status, the most-coveted position any liberal can obtain.

If you’ve seen some stupid warning before a movie, new or old, about some scenes may be disturbing for this or that reason, or a movie contains “historical smoking,” that is this mentality from these morons. Seeing someone smoke can be upsetting to idiots, just as seeing people having fun, laughing, or not associating with the proper slice of demographics of human beings. If some disappointment to their parents can be offended by it, there will be a Democrat nailing themselves to a cross over it.

Enter our nation’s founding documents.

The National Archives is my favorite place to go to in DC. The White House is great, but security is a nightmare and even a West Wing tour with a White House employee leaves you wanting to step inside the Oval Office, which you can’t do. You get to see things but it leaves you wanting more. The Capitol is my favorite building, but unless you work there, it’s usually crammed with tourists. The National Archives houses everything that makes the rest of those places matter – the original Constitution and Declaration of Independence, in addition to pretty much everything else on paper related to the founding and history of this country.

Now, thanks to the election of Joe Biden and the fascistic cabal pulling his strings, the National Archives website contains trigger warnings for leftists who would be upset by the concept of “all men are created equal” because 245 years ago Thomas Jefferson didn’t address the gender fluid and other delusional lunatics.

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