President Donald Trump is building on his efforts to protect unborn children with the announcement this week that the State Department is expanding foreign policy actions to prevent American taxpayers from paying for abortions around the globe.
After a conference call with reporters, a senior administration official told Breitbart News that the implementation of the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy (PLGHA) is going to save countless lives around the world by preventing the funding of organizations that promote or provide abortions, including International Planned Parenthood. This is according to reports released after the call.
“The purpose of the policy is to prevent American taxpayers from subsidizing abortion through global health assistance provided for populations in need,” the executive summary of the PLGHA report said:
As President Trump said in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in September of 2019, “Americans will also never tire of defending innocent life […and] we in America believe that every child — born and unborn — is a sacred gift from God.” Notably, two of the largest and most-vocal organizations that have attempted to assert a global right to abortion on demand, International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International, declined to agree to PLGHA and therefore forfeited their eligibility for global health assistance funding from the U.S. Government.
Breitbart News asked about how much money these two abortion giants are forfeiting and a senior administration official said the combined loss is more than $140 million in annual funding.
“President Trump is the most pro-life president in history, and he backs up his pro-life commitments with real action,” a senior administration told Breitbart News. “We’re proud that we continue to support women and girls abroad and conduct and fund rigorous, cutting-edge scientific research at home while standing firm for the dignity of unborn life.”
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