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The Trump administration is set to publish additional immigration reforms on Tuesday aimed at making it more difficult for skilled foreign workers to acquire visas.

The changes are the latest effort by the Trump administration in recent months to crack down on the use of visas as part of its broader attempt to limit the flow of foreign workers.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is expected to publish regulations targeting H-1B visas that are granted to skilled workers and are common in the tech industry. Recipients can typically stay in the United States for multiple years.

The rules, which will go into effect immediately, would heighten requirements for businesses who hire foreign workers on H-1B visas, according to details reviewed by The Hill. The changes may be challenged in court.

DHS will finalize rules that redefine "specialty occupations," limit the validity of an H-1B visa to one year for a worker placed at a third-party worksite, and increase enforcement tools to police companies that do not abide by H-1B rules or cooperate with site visits.

At the same time, a new Department of Labor rule is slated to go into effect requiring employers to increase what they pay H-1B recipients in an effort to discourage companies from undercutting American workers.

Immigration hawks hailed the move as overdue.

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