This @CNN story is complete fake news.
— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) April 12, 2021
No such scheduling or meeting request was ever made, and therefore, it could never have been declined.
Take note that this story has zero on-the-record sources. It’s literally made-up.
We are demanding a full retraction. #FakeNews
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CNN, a test, and MSNBC as the other 6 MSM's look at the headlines, these all go right to slander in their titles, this is always the way it is, a hit piece and they have seriously ramped it up since 1/6/2021, are people really that dumb. I understand that democrat (me a moderate deomocrat (as Trump was) that banker guy focues on loans and orgination in his job for a better fgamily life for his 2.4 kids and turns on the TV to 24/7 news and it be MSNBC or CNN (or as bad CBS) and "listens" I was like that until 2005, when CNN and MSNBC reported on an issue I was involved and they were puirposely mis-reporting it to a strong prejudice. I noticede then how it sounded and it didn't remotely sound like a news report, other than a sit down "celeberty roast" televised, this was no different other than it being delivered by a reporter on CNN I noticed then, this is not news of a real news formate. In fact, every report was "impacted" and "breaking news" and googled there reports, Now google is unreliable. While republicans are a majority, the country has been bought off and Soros control of the media and ownership oif the voting machines used widely in thisa country followed up by support of corrupt politicians purchasing these machines after reports world wide of their abuse ... really why do they hook up to the internet, which is illegal, has been caught numerous time, and they seem to fix it by shutting down and attacking the news source. In short, any news that starts off, like this Gates story and the truly controlled and corrupt FBI, Christopher Ray's massive perjury in congress as to the january 6, 2021 breach intended and planned by the democrats. Ray actually testified that only Trump supporters were in the building, where CIA operatives were there and filmed otherwise, then the lies in coingress which ius enough and should impeacjh the majority of Democrats for lying a second time to impeach Trump, when they said they were going to impeach him before he was elected said so on national news, twice tried and twice perjury was used in a meeting of the minds of media and the adolecent Pelosi followers taking hidden money exposed by Hillsdale college and now being investigated by the FBI for expoising secret money funneled to all congressmen. Why these crazy stimulous packages, where did 3 billion go given to California, you can say it was stolen and can't find that paper trail, Such as the seed the vote, a scheme in this country that goes state to state making up fake persons and filling the voter rolls and then making it an impossible court task to remove them, as we see in Arizona now. Elections are bought and sold to foreign countries and aided by the CIA highest bidder wins. Where is CNN in this reporting, where-ever Soros tells them to be.
The left are dogs licking on dry bones
It is getting harder and harder for those who have been awake for 40 years to be patiently waiting for the rest of America to catch up. I agree we need to patiently wait on our fellow citizens to catch up ~ and be a United America. I pray for that day when the American people peacefully take our country back. We must be getting close to the finish line ~ which is why the black hats are acting with desperation with obvious lies. Hang in there Gaetz, America knows the truth. Texas Lady Juanita
What America needs is to get back to God. JESUS IS THE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!
you got that right, and worse since 1/6/2021
The deep state wants to take Gaetz down because he is a true American patriot who fights for our Republic like only a few people do. My money is on Gaetz. The righteous always come out on top.
AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!!!!!!!! The left wants him destroyed because he is a patriot and honest. This shows he can't be bought and can't be intimidated!!!!!!!!!!
it's getting crazy out there
Why does CBS make up and represent news? The msm is all the same - they are helping the Democrats to destroy the USA. What I can't figure out is how they think that helps them. Don't they realize that Communist and Totalitarian countrys generally have only one news source. A state run news source. They'd all be out of work! That would serve them right.
If it were not for the main stream media we would not be going through what we are going through right now. Also joe biden would not be president right now. However the MSM is only one source for the indoctrination a very efficient source but only one of many. Our schools and universities as well as our government itself are also sources of indoctrination. Have been for at least the last fifty years! Consequently there is little wonder so many are favorable to socialism.