During an interview on the Fox News Channel’s coverage of the 2020 Democratic National Convention on Monday, Trump Campaign Senior Adviser Steve Cortes reacted to the first night of the convention by stating that it “was not a celebration of America. It was an indictment of America.” And “I didn’t even recognize the country that they were describing in this ridiculous, long commercial that they put on tonight. They were describing some sort of dystopian, racist hellscape.” Cortes also said that Democrats showed “their cynicism, their skepticism of this country.”

Cortes said, “It was clear that this was for a crowd in Brooklyn, NY, rather than in places like Beloit, WI. This was catering to Hollywood rather than the heartland. And it was not a celebration of America. It was an indictment of America. And I will tell you, as a proud American, I didn’t even recognize the country that they were describing in this ridiculous, long commercial that they put on tonight. They were describing some sort of dystopian, racist hellscape.”

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  • the Democrats is a hate group.

  • Trump is restoring America to its glory again after we suffered through fiscal disarray (record debt!!!), chaos and riots during the obummer years. Americans can see the difference and will give Trump another term with a landslide victory.

  • Just curious though, did they dust off the pilars, have lightning bolts like they did with their last useless pos assclown bath house barry sotero? Was that a cluster phuck or what? Portraying a sexually confused assclown as someone intelligent, yet he bailed out the banks, costing American taxpayers trillions, he can't cite one thing that was beneficial to all Americans. But, like a petulant whining child that he is, he and that moron quid pro quo joe obiden are trying to take credit for ALL that the Legendary President Donald J. Trump has accomplished. barrreeehhh stacked the courts with gay and pedophile judges that would rule for sexual perversion to be unleashed on America and the youth of America. Like the idiot boy scouts that resorted to political correctness, instead of not allowing pedophiles to be scout leaders. All we heard was how great these perverts were.

  • I don't have to watch their 3 ring circus, I already know everything about the leftist cesspool bottom suckers, what they stand for ( themselve's, their greed, power ). They are cowards, they rig the courts with unConstitutionalist judges, they rig the elections, they black mail or murder those that don't fall in line. They are true vile, evil communists. Americans need to learn from these freedom hating pigs.

    • THESE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bottom suckers are sucking themselve3s off....................................................................... IT'S there jizzzzzim they like!!!!

  • Hitler was hiding in a bunker as Americans troops were knocking at his door, today the Socialists Party got their fearless leader hiding on the basement.

  • Black Lies Shattered...

    Whenever the color of someone’s skin becomes an issue, that issue is Racism!

    You turn a blind eye towards racism, if you think that "racism" is only a one-way street.

    If you think that someone’s skin color causes racism, you’re Racist

    If you think that your skin color prevents you from being racist, you’re Racist

    Anyone can be racist, no matter what your skin color!


    It is impossible to Unite by Dividing…

    Leftists put everyone in a pigeon-hole by race, education, sex, “gender”, National Origin, etc.

    When you keep dividing people, how can you bring them together?

    Racism will never disappear as long as we keep talking about and promoting certain races over another. Or disparaging another race and separating people into different categories.


    Whom shall we blame for all this discrimination against Black People??

    ANSWER: Leftist DemonRats!

    What historical group never participated in slavery?


    What historical group STOPPED the practice of slavery?


    Where did the word "Slavery" come from?

    ANSWER: The Slavs who were enslaved Whites!


    And now you know!

    • good post, didn't know about the Slavs.

    • Did you fillout your census? did you answer ALL the questions? Do you believe it to be a racist survey?

  • No to democRATS.  we don't want rodents in our house.

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