The old Republican party that refuses to stand on principles, rolls over on its back, and whines and cries while the left rips out their throat, is dead with their clubhouse scheduled for demolition in November 2022.
I have always thought of the current leadership of the GOP as an exclusive club with a secluded place to meet and plan to weaken the constitution and stab the people in the back by agreeing with the Democrats. That clubhouse!
The new Republican party, the Trump Republican party, cleaning itself of RINOs, will stand up in November of 2022.
In a sane world where it is acknowledged that seven states failed to conduct a valid election and the constitution was then followed, Trump would still be the president and we would not have to put up with Biden.
I hope we won't be speaking Chinese by then, now we have more fronts ahead (plus Iran, illegal aliens, economy, etc), not sure Trump did everything he could to keep our country in our hands, according to many sources he had options
We will never be able to do anything no matter who we vote for if we do not get our voting system fixed. Biden is not our President. Trump is. The States are responsible for the validity of the voting process. The citizens of each State need to find out what is being done to ensure voter integrity.
I feel the best way to get our country back on course and away from the destructive policies of Joe Biden is to select strongly conservative candidates and run them against any "Rhinos" now in offeice and any Democrats both in the House and in the Senate. I think it is also important at this time, to let these Republicans who have worked against President Trump know exactly what they specifically have done to their own party and against our country.
Hi Phil, I would appreciate it if you would not curse. I am 85 years old and I would tell that to my children if they did. When you do that, any statement you make is lost to the reader. But I am certain you have valid and extremely important reasons you want to share and those I would like to hear. I am a strong supporter of President Trump and I love my country. So God bless you and all of us.
Princess Nan better bulk up on Depends.
Though it does seem sure.
S.W.H.T.F. .
You have to fix the election process first, otherwise they will just cheat like they did at the Nov. 3rd election.
The old Republican party that refuses to stand on principles, rolls over on its back, and whines and cries while the left rips out their throat, is dead with their clubhouse scheduled for demolition in November 2022.
I have always thought of the current leadership of the GOP as an exclusive club with a secluded place to meet and plan to weaken the constitution and stab the people in the back by agreeing with the Democrats. That clubhouse!
The new Republican party, the Trump Republican party, cleaning itself of RINOs, will stand up in November of 2022.
In a sane world where it is acknowledged that seven states failed to conduct a valid election and the constitution was then followed, Trump would still be the president and we would not have to put up with Biden.
I hope we won't be speaking Chinese by then, now we have more fronts ahead (plus Iran, illegal aliens, economy, etc), not sure Trump did everything he could to keep our country in our hands, according to many sources he had options
We will never be able to do anything no matter who we vote for if we do not get our voting system fixed. Biden is not our President. Trump is. The States are responsible for the validity of the voting process. The citizens of each State need to find out what is being done to ensure voter integrity.
I feel the best way to get our country back on course and away from the destructive policies of Joe Biden is to select strongly conservative candidates and run them against any "Rhinos" now in offeice and any Democrats both in the House and in the Senate. I think it is also important at this time, to let these Republicans who have worked against President Trump know exactly what they specifically have done to their own party and against our country.
Hi Phil, I would appreciate it if you would not curse. I am 85 years old and I would tell that to my children if they did. When you do that, any statement you make is lost to the reader. But I am certain you have valid and extremely important reasons you want to share and those I would like to hear. I am a strong supporter of President Trump and I love my country. So God bless you and all of us.
Sorry Doris,sometimes there just ain't no other words!
I'll try to watch it from now on.
Thank you. God bless you!