
  • They figure if they got away with it with Obama, they can do it again. Why don't we see a documentary on Harris and her life. The Truth is, as soon as Joe is elected, Nancy will pull out the 25th admendment and... Bingo. The real commie's come pouring out. I bet young people don't even know what a Trojan horse is. These hate filled people don't deserve to be in power. They must be stopped at all cost.


  • A vote for Joe is a vote for Kamala Harris... a communist and radical revolutionary.  She is not Constitutionally qualified to be either President or Vice President.... she lived outside the USA until the age of 12 and she was born to parents who were not US Citizens.  Our Constitution is being shredded by unlawful acts of abdication to the Leftist Radicals who would do away with it and our Republican form of government.

    Joe Biden is not long for this world... and his death or incapacitation will put one of the most radical left-wing politicians we have in the Oval Office... if you love your Constitutional liberties you must not vote for Joe Biden.... as it is a vote for Communism and the leftist radical Kamala Harris.

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