
  • WARP SPEED and his lack of discernment when it comes to who he listens to is why I would be hesitant to vote for him again. USMCA was not a good deal for America and again he left that in the hands of the wrong people.  He had every authority to have an election redo....but did nothing.

    • Hey! Karen I am going to vote for him again because the Democratic party had him from the time he won the election it should have been Hillary Clinton  but she did not thank God and furthermore the election 2020 was not an election the Democrats stole the election from Donald Trump and the Republican did not do anything to help win the election.


    • Karen, I too am disappointed he didn't do more to oppose the sham but I believe he figured it was a waste of time since the majority of the gop would oppose him, as he had seen how the establishment TRAITORS helped the devildemocommiecrats pull off the MASSIVE FRAUD!!!!!  He made some very poor choices of people to put in his cabinet!!!!!  Pence had me fooled also so I can't fault him for that poor choice!!!!!  I will vote for him rather than vote for a devildemocommiecrat but will do so hesitantly!!!!!!!!!!


    • Hey! Bob what I am disappointed is the Republican following the Democrats foot step to destroy Donald Trump and they succeeded and we are paying for it right now.


    • Trump hasn't even committed to running, we have no clue who will, but if he does, I doubt anyone would oppose him. The support from the people would be greater than's obvious from the attendance at the rallies. Biden now in the 20s in approval, people are clearly seeing the difference between the previous and now, they are feeling it in their everyday lives, the youth who supported Biden because he was "nice" are walking away they have no more interest, people who hated Trump are in shock, can't believe what Biden has done to them. 

      I'd love to see the never Trumpers, his constant critics put together a list of those they would prefer in place of Trump, those they would like to see on the ticket in 2024. Who in their minds they think would do all they want,  and do it better than Trump did! 

    • Are they interested in running....and running against Trump? Yongkin was just elected, shouldn't he serve as governor for a bit  so he can do the things he promised to do in Virginia?

    • I agree DeSantis would be a great VP, give Trump 4, then DeSantis 8 years, we should be in much better shape in 12 years!

    • To be honest with you especially in the time we are living in it seems to me that the Democratic party is in full control because Satan is and the Republicans is following their footsteps. 

    • Trump would have to do the dirty work, then DeSantis could carry on as the nicer guy.....but don't forget, many hate DeSantis  too, he too is too much for their delicate little feelings! Also remember DeSantis is governor because of Trump, Trump knows this, DeSantis knows this, and everyone who was in politics, or followed politics at that time knows this! 

  • Trump should have taken charge of the election process to ensure a fair election that would have re-elected him with a huge majority. It was not even close. Trump made America great again, he contained Russia, he took care of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear threats. In other words, he made America and the world great again. That's why he had tremendous support in the US and worldwide. He is the most revered US president ever, and he would definitely have won a fair election. Every patriotic American supports Donald J. Trump no matter what. Trump 2024!

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