
  • A new election will have the same problems we experienced in 2020 & 2022 ie: "Definition of Insanity" Keep using the same corrupted Election Officials, Election Rules, and Voting Machines then... expect a different outcome!

  • Declare Trump the rightful winner!

  • Use the military and reinstall Trump

  • PDJT WON!!! Democrat do NOT follow our Constitution anyways. 

  • We need Trump to Make America Great Again. Again.

  • Wake up people, The Communist Democrats and Deep State has declaired War and thats the only thing that will stop this evil is we give it too them

  • I'm sure those in power will try to maintain that power by all means and ignore this evidence as they have done since the beginning, but I would like to see some states decertify their electors based on the evidence specific to those states.  I don't know if a new election would be possible, but I would support it. 

  • New election. No machines, paper only IN PERSON with a photo ID . Alow one day for early voting.

    • Yes, if only the presidential office was on the ballot, I think that might work

    • We can't have a new election if we don't astablishment that the election of 2020 was a fraud, stolen, a cheat!

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