Donald Trump shares solar eclipse meme of Barack Obama - News - Emirates24|7

President Trump has ended former President Obama's 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday.

Eighteen percent of the survey's respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden. Three percent named National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, while two percent said Pope Francis.

Rounding out the top 10 were Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James and the Dalai Lama, all of whom received 1 percent.

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    • obama wasn't admired he was worshipped by evil people and those too stupid to see truth!!!!!

    • Well said, Bob!


    • just the facts, ma'm as Joe Friday often said on Dragnet.  Yes, I am old enough to have seen the original runs.

    • So am I! I even remember the first episode in 1951! I'd love to see them again.


  • "Admired"?? There was absolutely nothing to admire about that illegal alien moslem communist baby murdering America-hater. Barf.

    • Melanie, I agree!!!!!  fuhrer obama is merely a minion of satan, as are those who "admire" him!!!!!

  • Bitmoji Image" />Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, because I know with Barry's ego this is got to hurt him where he lives! 

  • fuhrer obama was only admired by people who hate God, hate America, and admire satanism!!!!!

  • Obama ever being the most admired man is laughable!  Maybe by the media & foreign countries like China.  Trump absolutely  ... oh I must be racist!  Biden?  Oh come on man!!!

  • Trump is a great man of honor. I hope these leftist realize that and remove that slobbering idiot Biden from office. 

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