
  • Anyone who says the 2020 election was free and fair is either a liar, a moron, or so deceived they can't discern the truth!!!!!!!!!!

  • I just wonder how many of those 18,000 dead people voted?

    • All of them...twice!

  • Trump Exposes The Corruption and Fraud in The 2020 Georgia Election

    Kinda’ late now, don’t you think? Where the hell was he in Nov. 2020? He should have locked down every piece of election hardware and ballot in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia by whatever force necessary. Running his mouth now is a lot like “locking the barn after the horse has been stolen”. He could have arrested half the democrat politicians in America and used every pretense to hold them until they started ratting on each other.

    • He HAD to let things happen as they've happened so the SHEEPLE would WAKE -UP to the criminals stealing our government from us and destroying our Nation right under their noses. . . . WAKE-UP America. . . . . .


    • Thomas, I agree!!!!!  Complaining now won't change anything, he should have acted as soon as the deep state TRAITORS like pence declared the election for dementia!!!!!  The damage is done and only Almighty God can change it so the answer is fervent prayer and civil disobedience like the current Trucker Convoy!!!!!!!!!!


    • I agree, Bob.  I also am furious about Pence.  I wonder why he did not flip it.  I am not convinced that we will have the correct answer to that question.  We should have swamped the SWAMP in a deep state of confusion with 5-million perople in conjunction with the Truckers. Hmmmm.

  • Most Democrat voters are totally clueless and have their ignorance renewed and reinforced everyday by listening only to the "Fake News" Main Stream Media, if they listen to anything at all! They are only truly knowledgeable about the things they think are important like the latest sports scores, pop star scandals, virtue signaling or their social media status! These mindless parasites (along with illegal aliens, make-believe voters and dead people) are what the Dems use to swell their ranks at election time, if they can get them off their fat butts to go to the polls or fill out a mail-in ballot the way their Democrat handlers tell them to. "Dementia Joe" is simply an accurate reflection of his demented voting base, which was not really big enough in actual qualified voters to win the last election! Of course it was stolden and the truth has fially come out! But, what action will be taken by us to decertify the election and push the imposters out of the government? Are we willing to get physical, if that becomes necessary?

  • Bridget Garbriol. In her passion to expose radicals from the Middle East, in the USA, to bring our Country down (same as Globalists) "it only takes 2% of the 'passionate' to take over and lead the 98% indifferent". I think the 98% is no longer 'indifferent'! Time to rid the USA of Globalists, Leftists, and Terrorists! Keep Gitmo open as it should house all of these "worst of the worse!"

    • Unfortunately, Gitmo isn't big enough to house them all!

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