Former President Donald Trump’s speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Sunday pushed back against the current White House’s direction on COVID-19 lockdown orders, China, and socialism.

“We all knew that the Biden Administration was going to be bad—but none of us imagined just how bad they would be, and how far left they would go,” he said. “Joe Biden has had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history.”

Trump stated: “I stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we began together four years ago is far from over.”

Several Trump surrogates have said in recent days that the former president won’t attempt to create his own political party, which comes after just over a dozen Republican House members and senators voted to either impeach or convict him. But the text of his speech suggests he’ll try to galvanize his support within the GOP.

“The Republican Party is united. The only division is between a handful of Washington D.C. establishment political hacks, and everybody else all over the country,” he said.

The speech appears to touch on a variety of issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, and lockdown rules. He’ll also expect to call for tougher action against the Chinese Communist Party, according to excerpts of the speech.

“I call on Joe Biden to get the schools open right now. No more special interest delays,” he said.

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