Trump cluelessly retweets meme of him fiddling while America burns with  coronavirus

And on Day 4, there was no more Mr. Nice Guy!

Republicans spent the better part of three nights in their convention presenting softer and gentler sides of President Trump, but the president gets the final words and he came out Thursday in a fighting mood.

His acceptance speech detailed his successes and offered promises aplenty for a second term, but the emphasis and energy were committed to a scorched-earth attack on Joe Biden and the Democrats. Trump threw so many punches at his opponent that, had it been a real heavyweight boxing match, the referee would have stopped it in the middle rounds out of mercy.

Some samples: “This election will decide whether we save the American Dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny.”

Then later: “How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?”

After saying Biden had buckled to the demands of the socialists in his party, Trump asked: “If he can’t stand up to them, how is he going to stand up for you.”

Many of the lines echoed Ronald Reagan, and the two men share key traits, perhaps the most important being a willingness to take on Washington from the inside without ever losing their outsider’s perspective. If there was any doubt, Thursday night settled the question of whether four years in the White House have warmed Trump’s heart to the Beltway.

No, no, a thousand times no.

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