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During his CPAC speech, former President Donald Trump vowed to target members of the Republican establishment who not only hampered his “America First” agenda, but also supported an unconstitutional effort to impeach him after he was already out of office. Now, he has already begun making good on that promise.

RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar reported, Trump and his campaign team sent cease-and-desist letters to various Republican organizations, telling him to stop using his name and likeness in their fundraising efforts. She wrote:

Later Friday the RNC found out that Trump wasn’t limiting legal action to faux PACs using his name when they received a cease and desist letter from Trump’s attorneys. The cease and desist not only applies to using Trump’s name in emails but also his image, and also applies to using his name and/or image on merchandise. Probably to save time, Trump’s attorneys also sent cease and desist letters to the NRSC and the NRCC.

The Hill also noted:

One Trump ally said the cease-and-desist was partly to retaliate against his critics, partly a power move to control the flow of money, and partly a business decision for a mogul who has made a fortune off licensing and business agreements.

Trump could also at some point seek a cut of the fundraising appeals that bear his name to direct additional cash toward his campaign bank account, which is already sitting at $35 million.

The ally also pointed out, “The McConnell tension definitely opened the floodgates, and in a lot of ways, it’s about controlling the purse strings and exerting himself as the leader of the party by controlling the flow of money.”

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