
  • It's both plus more. He's also an evil, perverted, baby-murdering communist freak and a puppet. Start praying, folks; we're in for it.

    • BTW, I must have missed something because I have noticed that the full name of this forum was changed from Tea Party Command Center to Command Center. When I first saw it, I almost deleted it but I checked it out - I'm glad I did.


  • Respectfully' President Biden, "Your PUBLIC Oration, 09/01/2022, was concisely and precisely, a caustic and definitive ASSAULT on the Well-being, of Our CITIZENRY, of Our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. 

    President Biden, Your TRASH TALK' on the PUBLIC STAGE, and your DEROGATORY SHOUTING opines, that, "Republicans are a FASCIST-THREAT to Our Country, IS A FALLACIOUS INSULT  to all of, We The People of America, that EXPOSED a a SERIOUSLY SIGNIFICANT, and ominous LIE."

    President Biden, "Ninety five Percent (95%), of your oration", DID INCITE  more DIVISION, that literally DESTROYED, all  your former ALLEGATIONS, cited  in your Inauguration Speech, 01/20/2021, "That you will do all you can, to grow and promote, UNITY of all people of our republic."

    PRESIDENT  Joseph R. Biden, I will leave it for you, to decide, that you will AGAIN ADDRESS, We The People' of Our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, as immediately as you read this notice, "To sincerely Apologize to America, for your UNFOUNDED, very CAUSTIC, and EXTREMELY DIVISIVE Oration, on 09'01/2022!"

    I want to be VERY CLEAR, Mr. President, "The Destructive, and Divisive IDEOLOGY' you cited in your PUBLIC ADDRESS last  night,  brings to mind that...  "I' (And many others of our nation, that are a Christ-Servants, that "Cling to Our God, Our Bible, and Our Guns,'  that you and your cabal, have identified as a  DEPLORABLE DREGS, &  EXTREME NATIONALISTS, as this Military Combat Veteran, and CONSTITUTIONAL PATRIOT of Our REPUBLIC,  to the potential NEED for the balance and value, (SHOULD the NEED ARISE!), to " EMPLOY the 2ND paragraph, of, Our Treasured Foundational Document entitled, The Declaration of Independence."  

    In closing Mr. President, I highly recommend that you URGENTLY CORRECT the HORRIBLE ATROCITIES in  your very DIVISIVE  Address, of 09/01/2022.  For your failure to abide by the precepts of your Oath of Office, Our Constitution, and Our Rule of Law,  may  cause the DEMOCRAT LED, J6 EVENT,  to akin to a Kindergarten->Recess event, compared to the OTHER POTENTIALS, "WE THE PEOPLE' MAY be coerced EMPLOY!"

    SFC, Robert David Hummel, U.S. Army (Ret.) Inverness FL 34452
    • Thank you!

    • Very well said... SFC Hummel

      I would add that the  RNC is not much better ... silently reserving their commentary and formal response in Congress.  They need to submit a Congressional Referendum denouncing the speech as treason... a threat to make war on elements of the Public. The RNC needs to CLEARLY label this as TREASON, a threat to wage war on political dissidents.  The GOP needs to keep the House and Senate debating the contents of this speech... Oops... that might cause the people to wake up and demand Pres. Biden's resignation, along with any of the Democrats that support... the contents of this speech.  

      Where are the GOP/RNC's calls for the president's resignation and impeachment... I don't care if we don't have the vote to force Impeadchment... do it anyway... tie them up debating this crap... and keep the pressure on the public narrative... demanding they become directly involved in denouncing the comments as treason (use the T word daily in Congress and on the news and talk shows)...the GOP Needs to coordinate massive protests and work stoppages... until the President resins.. This is no longer a political dispute,  it is an attack on the public's security and the foundations of our Republic.  Every politician that fails to see it as a threat needs to be ID'd and removed from office.

      I am sick of the piss poor response by men like Sen. McConnell to the left's hate speech, anti-American legislation, and governance... McConnell's Mr. bipartisan demeanor is more like Mr. Chicom...   Anyway ... great post-SFC Hummel. 

    • Amen!

  • Add the numbers.

    2022 - 2+0+2+2 = 6       2031 - 2+0+3+1 = 6       2041 - 2+0+4+0 = 6       Notice the years are separated by nine years.  This is the only

    occurrence since the time of Christ.  Put the answers together.   666.  Want to know morewhy we are seeing all this garabage this year?

    Did you know a portal has hovered over the WH this year?

    Portal Over the White House

  • If they just arrest obama this all will be history!!

  • No... Biden and the Democrat Party are serious about purging MAGA conservatives from the public square... They will eventually begin to arrest and incarcerate MAGA supporters by the train loads... they are doing what every Marxist Revolution does once it has seized power... they ID, isolate, and then round up all the potential counter-revolutionaries... dissidents... neutralizing them.  Look for more of these hate filed threatening speeches... and notice the numbers of individuals disappearing from the public forum.... as dissident speech is labeled hate speech... and insurrection.

    • Yes that is my opinion as well   They cannot allow MAGA Republicns/Americans to exist.

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