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    LEVY - Definition from the KJV Dictionary
    Definition of LEVY from the King James Bible Dictionary
  • It certainly is sedition and possibly insurrection...   However, 'Treason' is defined in Article III, Section III of the Constitution:

    "Treason against the United Statesshall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemiesgiving them Aid and Comfort.  See:

    I don't see how spying on the Trump Campaign is levying war or adhering to our enemies... giving them aid and comfort.  Unarmed Insurrection designed to subvert or replace our government is not levying war... neither is sedition.  


    Treason Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
    A person commits the crime of treason if he levies war against his state or country or sides to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Treason i…
    • Well, Colonel, I believe you are wrong as presidence was set in the case of the US against the Goldbergs while we were only in a cold war status.

      The same applies because of the fact of intent on the part of Barack Obama.

      His intent is revealed in the history of his anti American actions while in the Whitehouse and ever since. 


    • Sorry, but you are wrong, the attempted coup against a duly elected President is " levies war against the country".  The lies used in the attempt to destroy President Trump is a war against the country.

    • What?   How can one error by posting a quote from the Constitution defining "Treason'.  A person commits the crime of treason if he levies war against his state or country or sides with its enemies, giving them aid and comfort.  One must levy war against the government or give aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States. 

      We are not at war with any nation-state today... Terrorism could be construed as an enemy and those engaged in giving aid and comfort to terrorists have committed treason.   protesting against the government constitutes sedition and insurrection.

      Levying war definition... Is to (enlist, enroll or collect troops) or to order men into public service against the government. To levy, an army, is to collect troops and form an army by enrollment, conscription or other means 
      LEVY, n. 1. The act of collecting men for military, or other public service, as by enlistment, enrollment or other means.
      LEVY - Definition from the KJV Dictionary
      Definition of LEVY from the King James Bible Dictionary
  • The established majority falls under the category of treason, so Trump is blowing into the wind... "lock her up" will lock him up, we the people do not have much time to take our country back, Trump believes in the system and the system is poised to betray him.

    • That's exactly why I am saying Trump needs to eliminate all opposition to him and take total control over the country, which includes the federal, state, and municpial governments, the judiciary, the legislative, the FBI, the CIA, all the way to the media. Once he controls every aspect of the country, he will have dismantled the corrupt system and he can make America great again. He does not have much time, and we have to be ready to help him establish total authority over the country, because real American patriots support Trump no matter what.

  • Obama commited treason but he will never be punished for it.  Too bad he can't be grabbed and taken to Kenya - enjoy your homeland!

  • Spying was despicable and absolutely destructive of our democratic processes, but not "treason" under the Constitution which defines "treason" as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war." Let's not allow our zeal to overrun our grasp and application of the law.

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