
  • If NO ONE has been held accountable for Benghazi, for Fast and Furious, for the MASSIVE HORDES of immigrants allegedly at our border, or for the thousands of unconstitutional laws and actions forced upon us in the past dozen years, WHY would we believe that ANYONE will be exposed and punished for these riots?  Do you think Andrew Cuomo will EVER pay for his over-reach that caused the deaths of thousands of NY Elderly? For his lies that extended his opportunity to extort the Federal Government for more emergency funds, and to keep the people of NY imprisoned by masks, social distancing, and loss of income? Of course he won't, because he is a DEMOCRAT, and the Republicans will do NOTHING.

    • ou just wait, it will happen, the republicans will whip out their cowardly limp noodles and rap them over the knuckles like they always do. That'll fix them!

      I am taking bets, that brennen, hillary, corney, mccabe, wray, pentagon generals all pass away from old age at their country mansion estates, except joe obiden, he will pass at the port-a-john obama library, where you can find several old montgomery wards catalogs. bill clinton will pass while visiting his bill clinton library, tire and abortion center.

    • Yep, and this is why it is way past time for the people to use Article V of the Constitution to call a Convention of States to take back our federal government from the do-nothing Democrats and Republicans. But it will require that a whole bunch of us get off our butts and do some grunt work to get the necessary thirty-four state legislatures onboard. And we have a good start already with sixteen (16) signed on and another twenty working on it.

    • So you agree justice is forthcoming?

      You gotta start somewhere!

      Why not here?

  • Oct. surprise?...........

  • i wonder if the tax penalty money from the affordable care act is going to these groups

  • These companies are supporting Antifa because they want to send their business to China or some other foreign country they don't care about Americans all they care is making money and they know labor is chipper out of the United State 

  • Macdonalds, netflixs, amazon, ford, 297 total.

  • There is a lot of donations going to them by companies that you and I do business with.. There is a whole list out there. Just found out the store that I USED to shop at all the time "KOHLS" is donating to them. Hopefully once everyone finds out they will not be able to afford it. 

  • I have been telling you that Trump and Barr are on the case. Something big is going to come out before the election. Barr is preparing major indictments against the deep state and he will publicize them when it has the most impact on the election. You will all see once again that Barr is by far the best and most effective lawyer in Trump's legal team. 

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