
  • America First!

  • Question John, Reckon Dominion machines can count anything but Democratic Votes?? Probably Not! We better have poll watchers that are willing to set in shifts if necessary and make sure votes are not pulled out of somebodies trunk.

  • See The CCP owns Dominion Voting Machines. The truth will come out after midterms.


  • Here we go, " if my people  who are called  by my name will repent, Humble themselves seek my face and call on my name then I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land."  my have missed a bit on the quote. But essance is there. This is what it takes Brothers and Sisters. Nothing more, Nothing Less!  Donald Trump cannot fix this Hot Mess we find ourselves in.  God and God alone.

    • joe, I agree but We the People to have someone who will invite God to help!!!!!  God doesn't butt in where He isn't wanted and liberals don't want Him anywhere in America!!!!  The left wants only satan in the nation because he is their "god"!!!!!!!!!!


    • 2d Chronicles 7:14...  God is the solution to America's problems. all of them.

    • God alone won't do it. The verse clearly gives a role to we the people. " people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways...."

    • Absolutely... the people must first REPENT, humble themselves,  and seek God's face... calling on Him to intervene ... God will then hear from heaven and heal our land.

      God does the healing and the restoration... The People however must first acknowledge their sins, truly repent of them, and then call on God... seeking His will and help ...  Then, GOD will heal our land.

      However, too many expect God to do it all... without repentance or faith in God's ability to do what He promised... One who faithfully CALLS on GOD believes in GOD and GOD is then able to act on our behalf.  Otherwise, presumptive faith and empty words return only silence and more of the same.

  • This is the big difference between the left and the right. The left hates and wants to control others, the right loves and wants to give liberties & freedom to others. If we want to maintain our liberties and freedom, we need to cleanse our beLOVEd United States of America of all negative influences by the left.

  • You asked:  Why does the Radical Left HATE America so much? 

    Why?  Because we REWARD HATE with a huge assortment of incentives to engage their hate and violence... Because the government aids and abets their hate, treating them as victims and rewarding their bad conduct

    It is a miracle we don't have more burning buildings, murders, riots, looting, and lawlessness... with all the incentives to hate and act out one's anger in the worst of ways. Thank a Democrat for all the Hate... they are generating it.

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