
  • Both political parties are corrupt and working to fundamentally transform our Republic into a banana republic. The GOP/RNC is the flip side of the Big Government Coin... Flip it and both sides come up... more government and less personal freedom.  If there is any substantial difference between the Parties it is in the management of the economy and the distribution of wealth.

    However, the GOP remains the better party of choice and the lesser of two evils... Until we reform the party or find a viable alternative we need to support the GOP... while holding its feet to the fire.  

    • More lofty words. How are you or we holding their feet to the fire? We don't, and you certainly don't. I'm sick of the "lesser of two evils". That's how the gop leadership gets us every single time. How has the holding-its-feet-to-the-fire worked out? How has gop leadership changed? Get real, for the love of God! 

    • Sick of the lesser of two evils... you're not alone... everyone is.  However, as citizens, we have a duty to vote and too exercise our voice regarding the proper functioning of government.  Leadership brought us to where we are and leadership will be necessary to return us to where our government went off track. 

      In our Constitutional Republic the people hold their representatives accountable in several ways... voting, personal contact, demonstrations, petitions, and finally by force of will... Read the Declaration of Independence it provides a path for holding the government's feet to the firer.

      I am reminded "Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” ― Quote: Frederic Bastiat  

      Most of our problems arise out of the public's desire to live at another's expense... As long as the public is allowed to feed from the public trough and their government checks keep coming... the government will be viewed as working.  Greed and the expectation of personal gain thru the manipulation of government are firmly behind most of our ills.

      John Adams said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  Sadly, the public is no longer moral or religious, and many have their hands in their neighbor's pockets.

    • John Adams was right. It is too bad that it is very hard to enforce anything "moral and/or religious" with the US Constitution because instead of establishing a Christian theocracy, the Founding Fathers enshrined religious freedom. We obviously can't rely on the goodwill of people as relying on that brought us to where we are today. 

    • Morality and religion are not the mandate of law or the Constitution... it is the product of faith and the heritage of the faithful.  If we want to make America Great Agan the People will need to first reinstate God's law as their moral compass... honoring Him in the public square and our living rooms.  

    • I know that morality and religion are not the mandate of law or the Constitution. I said as much in my post. However, this is the reason why we end up where we are today. How will evil atheist demonrats adopt morality and religion on their own volition? Why would they? - "People will need to first reinstate God's law as their moral compass" are empty words, at best a diognosis, but certainly not a solution or a policy. Empty words without practical implications are a waste of time and space in my book.

    • No one said you claimed morality and religion is 'the mandate of law or the Constitution;  Try reading what I post. I intended to point out that the Constitution can only properly govern a Moral and Religious people; that relational concept is quite different than expecting the Constitution to create a moral and religious people.

      Our founding fathers were a moral and deeply devout CHRISTIAN people...  They did not create a theocracy as they knew their Christian faith was not the product of mankind's religious construct (denominations) or based on the doctrine of men...   Our founders understood their relationship with God was based on a direct spiritual relationship with God... Something... an agnostic or atheist can not be expected to understand.

      America's current dilemma is directly related to its apostate condition... a lack of faith and the presence of God's moral compass (Law)... Our nation's deep roots in the Judeo/Christian ethic are no longer feeding the majority nor guiding our government.  We are a Nation, adrift in a ship without a helm,  America is being blown about by every evil wind in a sea of distress... on its way to becoming shipwrecked. 

      If America is to be Great Again... it must first return God to His rightful place at the head of man and the Nation... firmly establish Him as the Helm of our ship of state and the head of our families.  Until we return God to His rightful place in our communities and families America will continue down the road into perdition.

    • P/S  The goodwill of the People must be directed to become a force for good... that takes LEADERSHIP... some people never learn .. they are incorrigible and self-willed, a train recks looking for a place to derail.

  • Admin is correct. "Any GOP/RNC who doesn't stand up against the democrat lawfare against Trump needs primaried in their next election." President Donald J. Trump deserves and needs our support at any time but especially right now, no questions asked. 

    • Really?  How many times does it take to learn... PRIMARIES are not producing the quality candidates we need... elections in general are rigged and have failed to produce the needed change and government reform.   I don't know of a single Republican who doesn't "stand up against the Democrat lawfare"  The problem isn't the public's will to stand. It is the public's lack of lawful and peaceful means to enforce their will against armed tyrants.  Tyrants who abuse their power and the law, to enforce their will over that of the public... by force of arms.

      Our founding fathers struggled for decades to peacefully reform the King's hold on them... only to act once the proper mix of LEADERS surfaced... Leaders with a firm reliance on divine Providence (God), Leaders willing to pledge their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor to the task of establishing a  government... of the people, by the people, and for the people.  Today, there is a great dirth in the quality and commitment of leadership.

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