The Stupidity of Trump's “Impeach This” Meme (And The Replies)

"How can we possibly have a fair trial?" Donald Trump's attorney David Schoen asked on Monday night. Schoen indicated that he may call "many of the senators as witnesses because of the awful bias and prejudgment they've shown."

(Sen. Lindsey Graham has warned against calling witnesses, something that would prolong the trial for "weeks or months," which "would be bad for the country," he said on Monday. More on Graham's remarks below.)

Schoen argued that the second impeachment of Donald Trump is "the most ill-advised legislative action that I've seen in my lifetime."

"There are two points about this," Schoen told Fox News's Sean Hannity:

I would say you also should be able to call...many of the senators as witnesses because of the awful bias and prejudgment they've shown.

Can you imagine any...trial in which the judge and jury has already announced publicly that the defendant must be convicted in this case? And, in fact, Senator Leahy demanded that Senator McConnell vote for conviction also.

You know, both sides, everyone, it's clear to them, Donald Trump undercut democracy. How can we possibly have a fair trial? Chuck Schumer, Senator Schumer, promised a fair and full trial. You can't when you know that the juror and the judge are biased going in.

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  • Trump has a great legal team now. David Schoen has experience defending even a bunch of mobsters and Bruce Castor is a former DA in Philadelphia, who showed great judgement throughout his career as he did with Bill Crosby, for example. These guys know what can get done in the corrupt courts of the US and what can't get done. It is also clear that plenty of Republican senators are opposing this impeachment as much as they opposed the first one even before the case was brought to the chamber. That's the right way to approach this rigged trial. An actual trial, fake witnesses, doctored evidence are not needed. I am glad that the Republican Party seems to realize that today the party can't survive without Trump and that enough Republicans are showing unwavering loyalty through thick and thin.

    • don't count on the gop, they are a bunch of TREASONOUS snakes!!!!!!!!!!

    • I agree with you, Bob.

  • It isn't the Senates job to call witnesses - that was supposed to be done by the House.  Of course, Democrats can't read so I guess I'm expecting miracles.  He is correct howevr when he states there cannot be a fair trail when the jurors and judge are biased going in.

    • the house will not call for witness because there the ones that declare impeachment against Donald Trump if the Republican have balls they should have to stop this crap before it hit the Senate.

  • This crap if funny because Trump still lives in their brains and he has control over them. It's proven that if you are so fixated with hatred over someone that they control you. 

  • That was probably what the disagreement between the opriginal lawyers was about. Some wanted witnesses and the other probably Dem sympathizers did not. CALL WITNESSES including the ones who were there and saw what was going on including the Antifa scum

  • this is good stuff because it exposed the LAWLESSNESS of both parties.

    • Jeff, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

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